Apart from adding stock designs from the Stock Design Collections, you can add designs that you have acquired or created yourself in third-party graphics applications to the stock designs list. Stock designs play a crucial role in enhancing the customization options available to affiliate stores within your DecoNetwork platform. By learning how to upload a single design effectively, you'll be able to expand your catalog and offer a wider array of choices for customers looking to personalize their products. This tutorial will guide you through the step-by-step process, ensuring that your design is seamlessly integrated into the system and ready for affiliates to utilize across their stores.
- You must have administrator access to use this feature
To upload individual designs to your stock design list
- Log into your DecoNetwork Website.
- Browse to Admin > Stock Designs.
- Select Stock Designs List.
- Click the Add Design button in the Breadcrumb & Action bar and click Upload design from the drop-down menu.
The New Stock Design screen is displayed with a number of tabs: General, Processes, and Meta information.
- Click on the Browse... button.
- Configure the details of the design.
- Name: Enter a name for the design.
- Category: Select a category for the design from the dropdown list. If the category you want does not exist, you can add it by typing the category name in the text box
- Allow customer to change color of image: Tick this checkbox to allow customers to change the image colors. This will reduce the number of colors in the image to a maximum of 8 to avoid cases where the number of colors is too many to manage.
- Allow customer to resize image: Tick this checkbox to allow customers to adjust the size of the image.
- Price Specify the price that customers will be charged for using the design. You can leave this field blank if you want the design to be free of charge.
- Click Save.
For instructions on how to configure the decoration processes and meta information of the uploaded design, refer to the article, Configure a stock design.
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