The store directory is a listing of web stores that belong to a Fulfillment Center. The web stores may be owned and operated by the Fulfillment Center or by affiliates who have signed up under the Fulfillment Center. The Store Directory listing page will be available for configuration by the Fulfillment Center in the Website Editor if the Store Listing Page app is enabled.
The Store Directory page under a store's website settings allows a logo to be uploaded that will appear in the Store Directory listing page in the Fulfillment Center's or affiliate's storefront if the page is activated.
- You must have administrator or web developer access to use this feature
- The Store Listing Page app must be enabled by the Fulfillment Center
To be listed in the store directory:
- Log into your DecoNetwork Website.
- If you are the Fulfillment Center, browse to Admin > Websites.
Select Manage for the website you want to configure.
- Click Marketing and Sales Tools, then Store Directory.
- Click Replace to upload your store logo.
- Click Save.
1 comment
This is not correct. There isnt a store directory option under the websites for Marketing
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