MailChimp is a third-party email marketing application that provides tools for designing, sending, and saving email and newsletter templates and for managing email communications. For more information visit the MailChimp website at
The MailChimp Integration settings page allows you to choose whether you want the Fulfillment Center to market to your store's customers on your behalf or integrate to MailChimp to market to your customers directly. If you choose the latter option, customer information from your store can be synchronized to MailChimp directly, simplifying the task of managing your MailChimp subscriber lists.
- You must have administrator or web developer access to use this feature
- MailChimp integration must be enabled for affiliates by the Fulfillment Center
- You must have a paid MailChimp account with an API key ready to use. Free Mailchimp accounts do not support the necessary features for integration.
- You must have a MailChimp subscriber list into which customers will be synchronized
To setup MailChimp Integration:
- Log into your DecoNetwork Website.
- If you are the Fulfillment Center:
- Browse to Admin > Websites.
- Click the Manage button beside the affiliate store you wish to set up MailChimp integration for.
- Browse to Admin > Websites.
- Browse to Marketing and Sales Tools > MailChimp Integration.
- Select an integration option:
- Allow '[Fulfillment Center Name]' to market to my Customers on my behalf: Select this option to allow the Fulfillment Center to send marketing material to your store's customers.
- Integrate to MailChimp to market to my Customers: Select this option to integrate with MailChimp so that you can market directly to your customers.
- If you select the Integrate to MailChimp option, a MailChimp API Key field will be displayed.
- Enter your API key.
- Press Verify MailChimp API Key to confirm your API key works correctly. An error will display if it has not been entered correctly.
- Select the name of your MailChimp subscriber list from the dropdown box. The list must be preconfigured on the MailChimp site for this drop-down box to work.
- Press Map Fields to determine what customer data will be mapped to your MailChimp subscriber list.
- The "Map This Customer Data" column from Deconetwork will be synchronized with the "To This MailChimp Field" column in MailChimp.
- Select the names of the DecoNetwork data fields and MailChimp subscriber list fields you wish to map to one another from the dropdown boxes.
- If you wish to add more data fields to the synchronization, click add new field.
- If you wish to remove data from the synchronization, cick delete in the row of data you no longer want synchronized.
- When complete, press OK.
- Click Save.
- It will take a few moments for the data to synchronize.
- Click Finish in the Process Synchronization popup.
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