Import customers



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    Tom Vann

    I assume at this point that custom fields are not available for import?

    The sample csv does not include them?

    Also, curious - will multiple imports update client info or create duplicate records


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    Lee Prazner (Edited )

    Hi Tom,

    Custom fields are not supported at this time.

    Entering the correct ids into the id field will ensure customer records are updated and not duplicated. 

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    Tom Vann

    So I've done some testing and see import does update with an edited export list, using the id as a key I assume.

    I suggest adding a bit more to help page in regards to what happens without an email address - it has a blank Login that will populate once an email is entered into the account and saved.

    Regarding updates, its confusing because in my testing, reusing the Sample CSV File did indicate some updates but for records with email it does not.

    However, if you export the customers, edit the records and import that edited list - it works perfectly - only updating records - likely because the ID is present.

    So this could be explained a bit more.




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    David Prosser (c)

    Is there a limit on how many records can be imported in a file? I have 19,000 customer records in csv.

    I have tried splitting it up, and can get some imports run in batches of 500, but it still seems to give errors and only import a few sometimes.



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    Lee Prazner

    Hi David,

    There is no limit on the number of records. The errors may be due faults in your CSV file. Can you please submit a support ticket so that one of our client services team members can help you troubleshoot.



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    Tom Vann

    Hey, looks like custom fields import is now available - cool!

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    Tom Vann

    what about credit_allowance? looks like that field exports, but is not included on downloaded csv template for import.

    I assume this will not import, even if I add the column to csv?


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    Tom Vann

    SUGGESTION: The only way I could get custom fields to import was by making them visible with Register.

    Often, we only want fields for HUB use. Would be helpful if custom fields imported if only visible for Quotes/Orders

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    Lee Prazner (Edited )

    Hi Tom,

    The credit_allowance field, although not included in the Sample CSV, will import if added to the CSV.

    Thank you for your feedback. You are correct, custom fields currently will only import if configured as visible under Register in the Field Usage Definitions.



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