Order-related documents originating from your shop are automatically rendered using templates. You can access the templates to customize the content. For more information on how to access the order templates and what they are used for, see the Order Templates help article.
Data (such as customer name, store name, and order number) is accessed from your stores using variables in the templates. This means that you do not need to know what the data is - you just need to know the variables you have access to in each template.
The templates are created using a programming language called Liquid to generate the dynamic content. You need to have a good understanding of Liquid in order to customize the templates.
This article provides a reference to all the variables that can be used within each order template. This includes the variables currently used in the default templates and also additional variables that are available for use but are not in the default templates.
Additional variables not currently used in the default template are highlighted in blue.
For an overview of how the Liquid template language works and for details on how to use the additional variables, see the help article, How Do I Use the Variables Not in the Default Order Templates.
Customer Account Statement
Variable | Description |
fulfillment_system.account.company | The company name of the Fulfillment Center. |
fulfillment_system.account.address | The street address of the Fulfillment Center. |
fulfillment_system.account.city | The city that the Fulfillment Center is located in. |
fulfillment_system.account.state | The state that the Fulfillment Center is located in. |
fulfillment_system.account.zip | The zip code of the area that the Fulfillment Center is located in. |
fulfillment_system.account.country_name | The country that the Fulfillment Center is located in. |
fulfillment_system.primary_domain | The URL of the Fulfillment Center's primary store domain. |
statement.date | date: "%d/%b/%Y" | The date on which the statement is issued, displayed in the format DD/MMM/YYYY. |
statement.from_date | date: "%d/%b/%Y" | The start date of the period covered by the statement, displayed in the format DD/MMM/YYYY. |
statement.to_date | date: "%d/%b/%Y" | The end date of the period covered by the statement, displayed in the format DD/MMM/YYYY. |
statement.number | The unique number of the statement. |
customer.full_name | The customer's full name. |
customer.firstname | The customer's first name. |
customer.lastname | The customer's first name. |
customer.address | The customer's street address. |
customer.city | The city that the customer is located in. |
customer.state | The state that the customer is located in. |
customer.zip | The zip code of the area that the customer is located in. |
statement.start_balance | format_currency | The previous balance owing on the customer's account, displayed in currency format, e.g. $24.99 USD |
statement.total_charges | format_currency | The new charges on the customer's account, displayed in currency format, e.g. $24.99 USD |
statement.total_paid | format_currency | The total payments made on the customer's account in the current statement period, displayed in currency format, e.g. $24.99 USD |
statement.total_refunded | format_currency | The total refunds made to the customer's account in the current statement period, displayed in currency format, e.g. $24.99 USD |
statement.total_credited | format_currency | The total credits applied to the customer's account in the current statement period, displayed in currency format, e.g. $24.99 USD |
statement.end_balance | format_currency | The total amount owing on the customer's account in the current statement period, displayed in currency format, e.g. $24.99 USD |
balance | format_currency | The balance calculated after an itemized charge or credit, displayed in currency format, e.g. $24.99 USD |
item.date | date: "%d/%b/%Y" | The date on which the charge or credit item was issued, displayed in the format DD/MMM/YYYY. |
item.invoice.order_number | The unique number of an invoice issued within the current statement period. |
item.invoice_numbers | The number of the invoice against which a payment was made. |
item.credit.invoice.order_number | The number of the invoice against which a credit was issued. |
item.amount | format_currency | The amount of a charge or a credit, itemized on the statement, displayed in currency format, e.g. $24.99 USD |
invoice.invoice_date | date: "%d/%b/%Y" | The date of an invoice, itemized on the statement, displayed in the format DD/MMM/YYYY. |
invoice.invoice_id | The unique number of an invoice, itemized on the statement. |
invoice.po_number | The unique customer purchase order number provided for the order, if any. |
statement.is_company_statement? | The condition to check if the statement is generated for a company account. |
invoice.invoice_total | The total charges on an invoice, itemized in the statement. |
invoice.previous_outstanding | The previous balance owing on an invoice, itemized in the statement. |
invoice.paid_this_period | The total payments made against an invoice in the current statement period. |
invoice.refunded_this_period | The total refunds issued against an invoice in the current statement period. |
invoice.outstanding | The total amount owing on an invoice. |
invoice.invoice.job_name | The job name of an order invoice, shown in an account statement. |
invoice.invoice.sales_team_member | The name of the sales team member assigned to an order invoice, shown in an account statement. |
statement.due | format_currency | The total amount owing on invoices that are more than 1 day (and less than 30 days) overdue, displayed in currency format, e.g. $24.99 USD |
statement.due_30 | format_currency | The total amount owing on invoices that are more than 30 (and less than 60) days overdue, displayed in currency format, e.g. $24.99 USD |
statement.due_60 | format_currency | The total amount owing on invoices that are more than 60 (and less than 90) days overdue, displayed in currency format, e.g. $24.99 USD |
statement.due_90 | format_currency | The total amount owing on invoices that are more than 90 days overdue, displayed in currency format, e.g. $24.99 USD |
fulfillment_system.fc_settings.account_statement_overdue | The note that is displayed on the statement if invoices are more than 1 day (and less than 30 days) overdue. (You can configure this note via Admin > Settings > Customer Settings > Account Statements). |
fulfillment_system.fc_settings.account_statement_30_days_overdue | The note that is displayed on the statement if invoices are more than 30 (and less than 60 days) overdue. (You can configure this note via Admin > Settings > Customer Settings > Account Statements). |
fulfillment_system.fc_settings.account_statement_60_days_overdue | The note that is displayed on the statement if invoices are more than 60 (and less than 90 days) overdue. (You can configure this note via Admin > Settings > Customer Settings > Account Statements). |
fulfillment_system.fc_settings.account_statement_90_days_overdue | The note that is displayed on the statement if invoices are more than 90 days overdue. (You can configure this note via Admin > Settings > Customer Settings > Account Statements). |
Variable | Description |
order.get_approval_amount_balance | simple_price_format | The payment amount required for the order to go into production, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
order.balance | simple_price_format | The outstanding balance due on the order, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
from.account.company |
The company name of the store the order originates from. (The data will come from the Fulfillment Center contact details if it is the main store and from the store account details if it is an affiliate store). |
from.account.email |
The email address of the store the order originates from. (The data will come from the Fulfillment Center contact details if it is the main store and from the store account details if it is an affiliate store). |
from.fc_settings.email |
The order enquiry email address from the Fulfillment Center contact details. |
order.has_sales_team_member? | The condition that the order has a sales team member assigned. |
order.sales_team_member | The name of the team member assigned to the order. |
from.fc_settings.company_identification_number | The Fulfillment Center's company identification number, displayed if the Fulfillment Center has provided it. |
from.fc_settings.address | The Fulfillment Center's street address, displayed if the Fulfillment Center has provided it. |
from.fc_settings.city | The city that the Fulfillment Center is located in, displayed if the Fulfillment Center has provided it. |
from.fc_settings.state | The state that the Fulfillment Center is located in, displayed if the Fulfillment Center has provided it. |
from.fc_settings.zip | The zip code of the area the Fulfillment Center is located in, displayed if the Fulfillment Center has provided it. |
from.fc_settings.country_name | The country that the Fulfillment Center is located in, displayed if the Fulfillment Center has provided it. |
site.primary_domain | The URL of the primary domain of the store the order originates from. |
site.store_group_name | The name of the group to which the assigned store belongs. |
order.quote_number | The unique number of the quote, if the order is still in quote state. |
order.order_number | The unique number of the order. |
order.invoice_barcode |
The unique barcode that is generated for the order. ("Show Barcodes on Invoice" must be ticked in the Settings section of the template in order for the barcode to be visible. Scanning this barcode will load the order in Business Hub.) |
order.po_number | The unique number of the purchase order associated with the order, if any. |
order.date_quoted | date: "%d/%b/%Y" | The date on which the quote is issued, if the order is still in quote state, displayed in the format DD/MMM/YYYY. |
order.date_quote_valid_until | date: "%d/%b/%Y" | The date the quote is valid until, displayed in the format DD/MMM/YYYY. |
order.date_ordered | date: "%d/%b/%Y" | The creation date of the order, displayed in the format DD/MMM/YYYY. |
order.date_due | date: "%d/%b/%Y" | The date the order is due to be shipped by, displayed in the format DD/MMM/YYYY. |
order.shipping_method_name | The name of the shipping method used for the order. |
order.shipping_days | The maximum number of days in which the order is expected to be delivered. |
order.uses_freight_codes? | The condition that an order has tracking codes associated with it. |
order.tracked_freight | The list of tracking codes for shipments related to an order. |
order.shipping_tracking_code | The tracking code of the shipped order, if it has been provided. |
order.shipping_tracking_url | The tracking URL of the shipped order, if it has been provided. |
customer.full_name | The customer's full name, specified for billing. |
customer.firstname | The customer's first name. |
customer.lastname | The customer's first name. |
customer.company | The customer's company name, specified for billing, if it has been provided. |
customer.address | The customer's street address, specified for billing. |
customer.city | The city that the customer is located in, specified for billing. |
customer.state | The state that the customer is located in, specified for billing. |
customer.country_name | The country that the customer is located in, specified for billing. |
customer.zip | The zip code of the area the customer is located in, specified for billing. |
customer.phone_number | The customer's phone number. |
customer.email | The customer's email address. |
customer.custom_fields.field_name | The value of a custom field stored against a customer. (Replace field_name with the name of the field. Use lowercase and add an underscore to replace all characters which are not letters or numbers). |
customer.company_account.custom_fields.field_name | The value of a custom field stored against a customer's company account. (Replace field_name with the name of the field. Use lowercase and add an underscore to replace all characters which are not letters or numbers). |
has_company_account? | The condition that the customer has a company_account. |
order.get_shipping_detail.full_name | The customer's full name, specified for shipping. |
order.get_shipping_detail.custom_fields.field_name | The value of a custom field stored against an order's shipping address. (Replace field_name with the name of the field. Use lowercase and add an underscore to replace all characters which are not letters or numbers). |
order.get_shipping_detail.company | The customer's company name, specified for shipping, if it has been provided. |
order.get_shipping_detail.address | The street address specified for shipping. |
order.get_shipping_detail.city | The city of the address specified for shipping. |
order.get_shipping_detail.state | The state of the address specified for shipping. |
order.get_shipping_detail.country_name | The country of the address specified for shipping. |
order.get_shipping_detail.zip | The zip code of the address specified for shipping. |
row_count | The number of an item as it appears in a list. |
item.supplier_product.product_name | The supplier product name of a blank catalog product ordered. |
item.supplier_product.product_code | The product code of a catalog product ordered. |
item.product_name | The name of a pre-configured product ordered. |
item.extra_options | Any options that may be defined for a pre-configured product ordered. |
item.free_form_color | The color of a free-form product ordered. |
item.free_form_size | The size of a free-form product ordered. |
item.sizes | The sizes ordered of a pre-configured product item. |
item.size_field.selected_options | The list of sizes ordered of a pre-configured product item, rendered by looping through. |
item.size_field.selected_options | The list of sizes ordered of a pre-configured product item, rendered in the configured sort order. |
item.currency_unit_price | simple_price_format | The unit price of a product ordered, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
item.discount_percent | The percentage discount applied to a product ordered. |
item.currency_disc_unit_price | simple_price_format | The discounted unit price of an ordered product, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
item.unit_tax | simple_price_format | The tax applied to an ordered product, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
item.qty | The quantity of the product ordered. |
item.currency_full_price | simple_price_format | The total price of an ordered product, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
order.main_item_price | simple_price_format | The subtotal price of ordered products, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
order.main_item_price_ex_tax | simple_price_format | The subtotal price excluding tax of ordered products, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
order.formatted_invoice_note | The note entered by the operator (under the line items) while creating/editing an order/invoice. |
order.formatted_customer_notes | The note entered by the customer when placing the order or by the operator in response to the customer or as an internal message relating to the order. |
order.account_term.description | The description of the customer's account payment terms. |
order.account_term.name | The name of the customer's account payment terms. |
order.payment_dates | The date on which a payment was made. |
order.payment_method_names | The name of the payment method the customer can use to pay for the order. |
order.payment_instructions | The instructions for how to pay for the order, if defined for the selected payment method. (You can configure this message via Settings > Payment Methods > New Payment Method OR Edit > General) |
message_html | This is the marketing message in HTML format. (You can configure this message via Admin > Settings > Email & Order Templates > Email Templates > Edit > Marketing Message) |
item.product_name | The name of an extra charge, if added. |
item.associated_items_string | The line item that an extra charge is associated with if associated with any items. |
item.qty | The quantity of an added extra charge. |
item.currency_unit_price | simple_price_format | The unit price of an extra charge, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99. |
item.currency_discount | simple_price_format | The percentage discount applied to an extra charge, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99. |
item.tax | simple_price_format | The tax applied to an extra charge, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99. |
order.extra_charge_price | simple_price_format | The total price of all extra charges, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99. |
order.extra_charge_price_ex_tax | simple_price_format | The total price of all extra charges excluding tax, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99. |
order.currency_total_shipping_price | simple_price_format | The shipping cost, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
order.currency_shipping_price | simple_price_format | The shipping cost excluding tax, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
order.rush_order_cost | simple_price_format | The cost of a rush order, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99. |
order.coupon_discount_inc_tax | simple_price_format | The amount of a coupon discount applied to the order, including tax, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
order.final_discount_inc_tax | simple_price_format | The final discount amount applied to the order, including tax, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
order.final_credit | simple_price_format | The total credit amount applied to the order, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
order.grand_total | simple_price_format | The grand total of the order, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
order.currency_total_tax | simple_price_format | The total tax included in the order total, prior to applying any discounts, coupon discounts or credits (net tax), displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
order.currency_final_tax | simple_price_format | The total tax included in the order total, after applying any discounts, coupon discounts or credits (net tax). I.e., order.currency_final_tax = order.currency_total_tax - (coupon discount tax + discount tax + credit tax). The tax is displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
order.get_approval_amount | simple_price_format | The payment amount required for the order to go into production, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
order.currency_certificate_total | simple_price_format | The value of a gift certificate used on the order, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
order.account_credit_used | simple_price_format | The total credit amount applied to the order, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
order.final_paid | simple_price_format | The total amount paid against the order, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
order.confirmed_balance | simple_price_format | The outstanding balance due on the order (after deducting confirmed payments), displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
order.pcurrency.code | The code of the currency used for the order, e.g. USD |
screen.name | The name of a screen required to produce a screen print design |
thumbnail | The link to display the thumbnail image of a screen required to produce a screen print design, if the design has colorways. |
screen.thumbnail | The link to display a 300 x 300 pixel thumbnail image of a screen required to produce a screen print design, if the design doesn't have colorways. You can specify a different size for the thumbnail image display by appending the size dimension to the end of the variable. Available sizes include:
screen.used_thumbnails_300 | The link to display 300 x 300 pixel thumbnail images of the screens required to produce multi-colorway screen print designs. You can specify a different size for the thumbnail image display by changing the size dimension to the end of the variable. Additional sizes available include:
used_in | The name of the product that screens are used in. |
screen.size | The dimensions of a screen required to produce a screen print design. |
screen.number_of_colors | The number of colors used in a screen print design. |
color.color | The color value of a design or product color used to render the color swatch for a visual representation of the color. |
colors | The names of the colors used in a design colorway, as defined by the customer. |
color.code | The code of a color used in a design. |
color.name | The color name of a color used in a design, as detected by the system. |
screen.color_names | The color name of a color used in a design, as defined by the customer. |
view.name | The name of a product view. |
view.image_url_300 | The URL of the 300 x 300 pixel product view image. You can specify a different size for the image display by changing the size dimension to the end of the variable. Additional sizes available include:
item.all_views | All the view images for a product item, including blank and decorated views. |
item.asi_image | If a product is an ASI image, this is the link to display the product image supplied by ASI. |
selected_option.option_name | The name of the selected size of a product. |
selected_option.option_qty | The quantity of a selected product size. |
field.name | The name of a custom field used by a product. (Extra fields can be defined via Products > Custom Fields and configured for use by a product via Products > Manage > Edit Product > Custom fields). |
field.print_text | The selected option of a custom field used by a product. (Extra fields can be defined via Products > Custom Fields and configured for use by a product via Products > Manage > Edit Product > Custom fields). |
color.swatch_image_20 | The 20 x 20 pixel color swatch image for a product color, if an image was uploaded to represent the color in the product's configuration. |
color.color_name | The name of a product or design color. |
item.description_html | The description of a product, in HTML format. |
item.size_table | The size chart of a product. |
comment.content | A note to the customer that is associated with a line item. These notes are created in Business Hub by selecting an order, clicking on "Add Note for Customer", selecting line item from the "Note Type" drop-down list and selecting the item, then entering the note and clicking "okay". |
process.full_path | The name of the view and decoration area in which a screen print decoration has been added. |
process.screen.name | The name of the process and the reference number of the design attached to a decoration area. |
process.colorway | The colorway of the design to be used on a product, where the design has multiple colorways. |
label | The column heading labels for the Name and Number fields of a team name listing. |
teamname_count | The item number of a teamname item. |
teamname.size_label | The size of a teamname item. |
field | The value of the Name and Number fields of a teamname item or the value of a custom field. |
process.unique_items | Outputs a list of unique image assets for a decoration process, grouped by name/size/properties. |
element.thumbnail_300 | The 300 x 300 pixel thumbnail of a teamname or embroidery element. You can specify a different size for the thumbnail image display by changing the size dimension to the end of the variable. Additional sizes available include:
element.name | The name of a teamname or element embroidery. |
element.dimensions | The dimensions of a teamname or embroidery element. |
area.name | The name of a product view area. |
process.name | The name of the decoration process used. |
prop.name | The name of a property associated with an embroidery decoration process, such as stitch count and digitize area. |
prop.value | The value of the property associated with the embroidery decoration process. |
attachment.image_url | The image link to the URL of an attachment associated with a line item in the order. |
attachment.get_file_name | The filename of an attachment associated with a line item in the order. |
attachment.name | The name, entered by the operator, of an attachment associated with a line item in the order. |
attachment.description | The description, entered by the operator, of an attachment associated with a line item in the order. |
fulfillment_system.account.company | The company name of the Fulfillment Center. |
fulfillment_system.fc_settings.company_identification_number | The Fulfillment Center's company identification number, displayed if the Fulfillment Center has provided it. |
fulfillment_system.fc_settings.address | The street address of the Fulfillment Center. |
fulfillment_system.fc_settings.city | The city that the Fulfillment Center is located in. |
fulfillment_system.fc_settings.state | The state that the Fulfillment Center is located in. |
fulfillment_system.fc_settings.zip | The zip code of the area that the Fulfillment Center is located in. |
fulfillment_system.fc_settings.country_name | The country that the Fulfillment Center is located in. |
fulfillment_system.primary_domain | The URL of the Fulfillment Center's primary store domain. |
item.decoration_unit_price | simple_price_format | The unit price of a decoration, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
item.decoration_price | simple_price_format | The total decoration price for a line item, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
tax.name | The name of the tax. |
order.taxable_amount | The order amount that is subject to tax. |
tax.rate | simple_price_format | The percentage of the taxable amount to be paid as tax, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $6.99 |
taxes | The list of tax objects that can be looped through for a line item to access its fields, “name” and “rate”. This is the same as the "taxes" variable at the order level. |
tax_names | A comma-separated list of tax names applicable to a line item. |
tax_exempt? | The condition to check if a line item is tax-exempt: true/false. |
order.job_name | The title specified for an order. |
order.payment_method_name | This is the name of the payment method used to make a payment on the order. |
item.currency_price | simple_price_format | The total price of an ordered product excluding tax, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
order.is_internal_order? | The condition that the order was created in Business Hub. |
order.is_internet_order? | The condition that the order came from a store. |
order.has_production_team_members? | The condition that the order has production team members assigned. |
order.production_team_members | The full names of the production team members assigned to an order. |
production_days | The number of days an order takes to be completed in production. |
order.date_shipped | date: "%d/%b/%Y" | The date on which an order was marked as shipped, in the format DD/MMM/YYYY. E.g 25/Dec/2016 |
order.first_shipment_date | date: "%d/%b/%Y" | The date set for the first recorded shipment of a multiple-shipment order, in the format DD/MMM/YYYY. E.g 25/Dec/2016 |
order.last_shipment_date | date: "%d/%b/%Y" | The date set for the last recorded shipment of a multiple-shipment order, in the format DD/MMM/YYYY. E.g 25/Dec/2016 |
order.rush_order_fee_name | The name specified for the rush order fee. |
item.predecorated_product.category_name | The category to which a pre-decorated product is assigned. |
item.sku_code | The stock keeping unit (SKU) ID code of an item in the order. Multiple codes will be returned if multiple sizes have been selected for the item. The codes will be comma-separated. |
order.coupon.code | The coupon code used in a specific order. |
order.is_priority? | Identifies whether an order is marked as a priority order. |
"now" | date: "%d/%b/%Y %H:%M" | The current date and time of the DecoNetwork server, in the format DD/MMM/YYYY HH:MM. E.g 25/Dec/2016 13:00 |
tz_now | date: "%d/%b/%Y %H:%M" | The current localized date and time of the licensee, in the format DD/MMM/YYYY HH:MM. E.g 25/Dec/2016 13:00 |
item.supplier_product.product_brand | The original brand name of a blank supplier product. |
item.product_brand | The brand name of a customised blank supplier product. |
order.date_scheduled | The scheduled production date of an order. |
date_payment_due | The date on which the payment is due. |
order.processes_used | A comma-separated list of names of decoration process used in an order. |
order.processes_used_abbr | A comma-separated list of abbreviations of the decoration process used in an order. |
requires_artwork_approval? | Checks whether an order requires artwork approval. |
Variable | Description |
order.quote_number | The unique number of the quote, if the order is still in quote state. |
order.order_number | The unique number of the order. |
order.has_sales_team_member? | The condition that the order has a sales team member assigned. |
order.sales_team_member | The name of the team member assigned to the order. |
order.get_approval_amount_balance | simple_price_format | The payment amount required for the order to go into production, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
order.balance | simple_price_format | The outstanding balance due on the order, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
order.balance | simple_price_format | The outstanding balance due on the order, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
from.account.company |
The company name of the store the order originates from. (The data will come from the Fulfillment Center contact details if it is the main store and from the store account details if it is an affiliate store). |
from.fc_settings.company_identification_number | The Fulfillment Center's company identification number, displayed if the Fulfillment Center has provided it. |
from.account.address |
The street address of the store the order originates from. (The data will come from the Fulfillment Center contact details if it is the main store and from the store account details if it is an affiliate store). |
from.account.city |
The city that the store the order originates from is located in. (The data will come from the Fulfillment Center contact details if it is the main store and from the store account details if it is an affiliate store). |
from.account.state |
The state that the store the order originates from is located in. (The data will come from the Fulfillment Center contact details if it is the main store and from the store account details if it is an affiliate store). |
from.account.zip |
The zip code of the area that the store the order originates from is located in. (The data will come from the Fulfillment Center contact details if it is the main store and from the store account details if it is an affiliate store). |
from.account.country_name |
The name of the country that the store the order originates from is located in. (The data will come from the Fulfillment Center contact details if it is the main store and from the store account details if it is an affiliate store). |
site.primary_domain | The URL of the primary domain of the store the order originates from. |
order.invoice_barcode |
The unique barcode that is generated for the order. ("Show Barcodes on Worksheet" must be ticked in the Settings section of the template in order for the barcode to be visible. Scanning this barcode will load the order in Business Hub.) |
order.po_number | The unique customer purchase order number provided for the order, if any. |
order.has_supplier_po_number? | Condition to check if order used any supplier purchase orders. |
order.supplier_po_number | Lists all supplier purchase order numbers used to source items on the order. |
order.date_quoted | date: "%d/%b/%Y" | The date on which the quote is issued, if the order is still in quote state, displayed in the format DD/MMM/YYYY. |
order.date_quote_valid_until | date: "%d/%b/%Y" | The date the quote is valid until, displayed in the format DD/MMM/YYYY. |
order.date_ordered | date: "%d/%b/%Y" | The creation date of the order, displayed in the format DD/MMM/YYYY. |
order.date_due | date: "%d/%b/%Y" | The date the order is due to be shipped by, displayed in the format DD/MMM/YYYY. |
order.shipping_method_name | The name of the shipping method used for the order. |
order.shipping_tracking_code | The tracking code of the shipped order, if it has been provided. |
customer.full_name | The customer's full name, specified for billing. |
customer.firstname | The customer's first name. |
customer.lastname | The customer's first name. |
customer.company | The customer's company name, specified for billing, if it has been provided. |
customer.address | The customer's street address, specified for billing. |
customer.city | The city that the customer is located in, specified for billing. |
customer.state | The state that the customer is located in, specified for billing. |
customer.country_name | The country that the customer is located in, specified for billing. |
customer.zip | The zip code of the area the customer is located in, specified for billing. |
customer.number | The unique identification number of the customer. |
order.date_ordered | date: "%b %d, %Y" | The creation date of the order, displayed in the format MMM DD, YYYY. |
customer.phone_number | The customer's phone number. |
customer.email | The customer's email address. |
order.get_shipping_detail.full_name | The customer's full name, specified for shipping. |
order.get_shipping_detail.company | The customer's company name, specified for shipping, if it has been provided. |
order.get_shipping_detail.address | The street address specified for shipping. |
order.get_shipping_detail.city | The city of the address specified for shipping. |
order.get_shipping_detail.state | The state of the address specified for shipping. |
order.get_shipping_detail.country_name | The country of the address specified for shipping. |
order.get_shipping_detail.zip | The zip code of the address specified for shipping. |
item.number | The unique ID number of the ordered item. |
item.product_name | The name of a pre-configured product ordered. |
item.extra_options | Any options that may be defined for a pre-configured product ordered. |
item.free_form_color | The color of a free-form product ordered. |
item.supplier_product.product_code | The product code of a catalog product ordered. |
item.sizes | The sizes ordered of a pre-configured product item. |
item.size_field.selected_options | The list of sizes ordered of a pre-configured product item, rendered by looping through. |
item.size_field.selected_options | The list of sizes ordered of a pre-configured product item, rendered in the configured sort order. |
item.color_names | The names of the colors of the ordered item. |
item.qty | The quantity of the product ordered. |
item.has_supplier_po_number? | Condition to check if line item used any supplier purchase orders. |
item.supplier_po_number | Lists all supplier purchase order numbers used to source this line item. |
item.currency_full_price | simple_price_format | The total price of an ordered product, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
order.main_item_price | simple_price_format | The subtotal price of ordered products, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
order.main_item_price_ex_tax | simple_price_format | The subtotal price excluding tax of ordered products, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
order.formatted_invoice_note | The note entered by the operator (under the line items) while creating/editing an order/invoice. |
order.formatted_customer_notes | The note entered by the customer when placing the order or by the operator in response to the customer or as an internal message relating to the order. |
order.account_term.description | The description of the customer's account payment terms. |
order.account_term.name | The name of the customer's account payment terms. |
order.payment_instructions | The instructions for how to pay for the order, if defined for the selected payment method. (You can configure this message via Settings > Payment Methods > New Payment Method OR Edit > General). |
message_html | This is the marketing message in HTML format. (You can configure this message via Admin > Settings > Email & Order Templates > Email Templates > Edit > Marketing Message). |
item.associated_items_string | The line item that an extra charge is associated with if associated with any items. |
item.currency_unit_price | simple_price_format | The unit price of an extra charge, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99. |
item.tax | simple_price_format | The tax applied to an extra charge, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99. |
order.extra_charge_price | simple_price_format | The total price of all extra charges, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99. |
order.extra_charge_price_ex_tax | simple_price_format | The total price of all extra charges excluding tax, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99. |
order.currency_total_shipping_price | simple_price_format | The shipping cost, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
order.currency_shipping_price | simple_price_format | The shipping cost excluding tax, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
order.rush_order_cost | simple_price_format | The cost of a rush order, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99. |
order.currency_total_tax | simple_price_format | The total tax included in the order total, prior to applying any discounts, coupon discounts or credits (net tax), displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
order.currency_final_tax | simple_price_format | The total tax included in the order total, after applying any discounts, coupon discounts or credits (net tax). I.e., order.currency_final_tax = order.currency_total_tax - (coupon discount tax + discount tax + credit tax). The tax is displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
order.coupon_discount_inc_tax | simple_price_format | The amount of a coupon discount applied to the order, including tax, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
order.final_discount_inc_tax | simple_price_format | The final discount amount applied to the order, including tax, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
order.currency_certificate_total | simple_price_format | The value of a gift certificate used on the order, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
order.currency_final_billable_total | simple_price_format | The grand total of the order, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
order.currency_final_tax | simple_price_format | The total tax included in the order total, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
order.get_approval_amount | simple_price_format | The payment amount required for the order to go into production, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
order.total_paid | simple_price_format | The total amount paid against the order, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
order.confirmed_balance | simple_price_format | The outstanding balance due on the order (after deducting confirmed payments), displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
order.pcurrency.code | The code of the currency used for the order, e.g. USD |
order.production_notes | The array of internal notes set against a production item. |
customer.internal_notes | The array of internal notes set against a customer record. |
customer.company_account.internal_notes | The array of internal notes set against a company record. |
note.created_at | date: "%b %d, %Y %I:%M %p" | The creation date and time of creation for an internal note, in the format MMM DD, YYYY MM:SS AM/PM |
note.user_name | The name of the creator of an internal note. |
note.message | The message of an internal note. |
note.content | This returns message text for order notes (includes internal, customer general, and customer line item notes). |
note.is_internal_note? | The condition that a note is an internal note. |
.is_important? | The condition that a note record set against a customer has the important flag enabled. |
view.name | The name of a product view. |
view.image_url_300 | The URL of the 300 x 300 pixel product view image. You can specify a different size for the image display by changing the size dimension to the end of the variable. Additional sizes available include:
item.all_views | All the view images for a product item, including blank and decorated views. |
item.asi_image | If a product is an ASI image, this is the link to display the product image supplied by ASI. |
item.worksheet_barcode |
The unique barcode that is generated for each production item in the worksheet. ("Show Barcodes on Worksheet" must be ticked in the Settings section of the template in order for the barcode to be visible. Scanning this barcode will load the production item in Business Hub.) |
selected_option.option_name | The name of the selected size of a product. |
selected_option.option_qty | The quantity of a selected product size. |
field.name | The name of a custom field used by a product. (Extra fields can be defined via Products > Custom Fields and configured for use by a product via Products > Manage > Edit Product > Custom fields). |
field.print_text | The selected option of a custom field used by a product. (Extra fields can be defined via Products > Custom Fields and configured for use by a product via Products > Manage > Edit Product > Custom fields). |
color.color | The color value of a design or product color, used to render the color swatch for a visual representation of the color. |
color.swatch_image_20 | The 20 x 20 pixel color swatch image for a product color, if an image was uploaded to represent the color in the product's configuration. |
color.color_name | The name of a product or design color. |
item.free_form_size | The size of a free-form product ordered. |
item.description_html | The description of a product, in HTML format. |
item.size_table | The size chart of a product. |
comment.content | A note to the customer that is associated with a line item. These notes are created in Business Hub by selecting an order, clicking on "Add Note for Customer", selecting line item from the "Note Type" drop-down list and selecting the item, then entering the note and clicking "okay". |
process.full_path | The name of the view and decoration area in which a screen print decoration has been added. |
color.overlay_color | The color overlay for a table cell of a color used in a design colorway. |
color.name | The color name of a color used in a design, as detected by the system. |
process.number_of_colors | The number of colors in a screen print design, if the colors have been specified by the customer. |
process.color_names | The names of the colors in a screen print design, if the colors have been specified by the customer. |
process.get_stitch_count | The stitch count of an embroidery design. |
attachment.image_url_100 | The 100 x 100 pixel image link to the URL of an attachment associated with a line item in the order. |
label | The column heading labels for the Name and Number fields of a team name listing. |
teamname_count | The item number of a teamname item. |
teamname.size_label | The size of a teamname item. |
field | The value of the Name and Number fields of a teamname item or the value of a custom field. |
area.name | The name of a product view area. |
area.bg_color.to_html | The background color of a product view area, if the area supports a background color and a fill color has been specified by the customer. |
process.name | The name of the decoration process used. |
process.image_url_200_no_bg | The URL link to the 200 x 200 pixel image of the design without a background, used to decorate the product. |
process.position_top | The distance of the design from the top of the decoration area. |
process.position_left | The distance of the design from the left of the decoration area. |
process.bounding_box_size | The dimensions of the bounding box enclosing the design. |
text.text | The text string of a text design element. |
text.font | The name of the font used for a text design element. |
text.text_color | The hex value of the color of a text design element. |
element.thumbnail_300 | The 300 x 300 pixel thumbnail of a teamname or embroidery element. You can specify a different size for the thumbnail image display by changing the size dimension to the end of the variable. Additional sizes available include:
element.name | The name of a teamname or element embroidery. |
element.dimensions | The dimensions of a teamname or embroidery element. |
prop.name | The name of a property associated with an embroidery decoration process, such as stitch count and digitize area. |
prop.value | The value of the property associated with the embroidery decoration process. |
attachment.image_url | The image link to the URL of an attachment associated with a line item in the order. |
attachment.get_file_name | The filename of an attachment associated with a line item in the order. |
attachment.name | The name, entered by the operator, of an attachment associated with a line item in the order. |
attachment.description | The description, entered by the operator, of an attachment associated with a line item in the order. |
fulfillment_system.account.company | The company name of the Fulfillment Center. |
fulfillment_system.fc_settings.company_identification_number | The Fulfillment Center's company identification number, displayed if the Fulfillment Center has provided it. |
fulfillment_system.account.address | The street address of the Fulfillment Center. |
fulfillment_system.account.city | The city that the Fulfillment Center is located in. |
fulfillment_system.account.state | The state that the Fulfillment Center is located in. |
fulfillment_system.account.zip | The zip code of the area that the Fulfillment Center is located in. |
fulfillment_system.account.country_name | The country that the Fulfillment Center is located in. |
fulfillment_system.primary_domain | The URL of the Fulfillment Center's primary store domain. |
order.job_name | The title specified for an order. |
order.payment_method_name | This is the name of the payment method used to make a payment on the order. |
item.has_production_team_member? | A condition that a line item has a production team member assigned. |
item.production_team_member | The full name of the production team member assigned to a line item. |
item.sku_code | The stock keeping unit (SKU) ID code of an item in the order. Multiple codes will be returned if multiple sizes have been selected for the item. The codes will be comma-separated. |
selected_option.sku_code | The stock keeping unit (SKU) ID code of a particular size of an item in the order. |
site.batch_production_invoice_numbers | A list of comma separated order numbers that are included in a batch production. The list will output only the orders that were included at the time the batch worksheet was generated. |
Shipping Label
Variable | Description |
order.order_number | The unique number of the order. |
from_company_name | The company name of the store the order originates from. |
from_address | The street address of the store the order originates from. |
from_city | The city of the store the order originates from. |
from_state | The state of the store the order originates from. |
from_country | The country of the store the order originates from. |
from_zip | The zip code of the store the order originates from. |
from_phone_number | The phone number of the store the order originates from. |
site.primary_domain | The URL of the primary domain of the store the order originates from. |
from_contact_name | The name of the contact person for the store the order originates from. |
from_phone_number | The phone number of the store the order originates from. |
from_email | The email address of the store the order originates from. |
fulfillment_system.primary_domain | The URL of the Fulfillment Center's primary store domain. |
ship_to.full_name | The full name of the recipient of the shipment. |
ship_to.address | The street address that the shipment will be shipped to. |
ship_to.city | The city that the shipment will be shipped to. |
ship_to.state | The state that the shipment will be shipped to. |
ship_to.country_name | The name of the country that the shipment will be shipped to. |
ship_to.zip | The zip code that the shipment will be shipped to. |
ship_to.phone_number | The phone number of the recipient of the shipment. |
shipment.ship_date_description | The date of delivery of the shipment. |
shipment.freight_method_description | The name of the shipping method used for the shipment. |
shipment.tracking_number | The tracking code of the shipment, if it has been provided. |
shipment.total_quantity | The total quantity of products in the shipment. |
shipment.weight_description | The weight of the shipment. |
shipment.ship_date | date: "%d/%b/%Y" | The date set for a recorded shipment, in the format DD/MMM/YYYY. E.g 25/Dec/2016 |
Worksheet for DecoLinked Outsourcers
Variable | Description |
order.order_number | The unique number of the order. |
order.get_approval_amount_balance | simple_price_format | The payment amount required for the order to go into production, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
order.balance | simple_price_format | The outstanding balance due on the order, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
customer.full_name | The customer's full name, specified for billing. |
customer.firstname | The customer's first name. |
customer.lastname | The customer's first name. |
customer.company | The customer's company name, specified for billing, if it has been provided. |
order.get_shipping_detail.address | The street address specified for shipping. |
order.get_shipping_detail.city | The city of the address specified for shipping. |
order.get_shipping_detail.state | The state of the address specified for shipping. |
order.get_shipping_detail.zip | The zip code of the address specified for shipping. |
order.get_shipping_detail.country_name | The country of the address specified for shipping. |
customer.address | The customer's street address, specified for billing. |
customer.city | The city that the customer is located in, specified for billing. |
customer.state | The state that the customer is located in, specified for billing. |
customer.zip | The zip code of the area the customer is located in, specified for billing. |
customer.country_name | The country that the customer is located in, specified for billing. |
order.date_ordered | date: "%b %d, %Y" | The creation date of the order, displayed in the format MMM DD, YYYY. |
order.date_due | date: "%b %d, %Y" | The date the order is due to be shipped by, displayed in the format MMM DD, YYYY. |
order.formatted_customer_notes | The note entered by the customer when placing the order or by the operator in response to the customer or as an internal message relating to the order. |
order.formatted_invoice_note | The note entered by the operator (under the line items) while creating/editing an order/invoice. |
item.number | The unique ID number of the ordered item. |
item.supplier_product.product_code | The product code of a catalog product ordered. |
item.product_name | The name of a pre-configured product ordered. |
item.extra_options | Any options that may be defined for a pre-configured product ordered. |
color.color | The color value of a design or product color used to render the color swatch for a visual representation of the color. |
color.swatch_image_20 | The 20 x 20 pixel color swatch image for a product color, if an image was uploaded to represent the color in the product's configuration. |
color.color_name | The name of a product or design color. |
selected_option.option_name | The name of the selected size of a product. |
selected_option.option_qty | The quantity of a selected product size. |
item.qty | The quantity of the product ordered. |
view.name | The name of a product view. |
view.image_url_300 | The URL of the 300 x 300 pixel product view image. You can specify a different size for the image display by changing the size dimension to the end of the variable. Additional sizes available include:
item.all_views | All the view images for a product item, including blank and decorated views. |
process.image_url_200 | The URL link to the 200 x 200 pixel image of the design, used to decorate the product. |
process.bounding_box_size | The dimensions of the bounding box enclosing the design. |
area.name | The name of a product view area. |
process.position_top | The distance of the design from the top of the decoration area. |
process.position_left | The distance of the design from the left of the decoration area. |
area.bg_color.to_html | The background color of a product view area, if the area supports a background color and a fill color has been specified by the customer. |
text.text | The text string of a text design element. |
text.font | The name of the font used for a text design element. |
text.text_color | The hex value of the color of a text design element. |
label | The column heading labels for the Name and Number fields of a team name listing. |
teamname_count | The item number of a teamname item. |
teamname.size_label | The size of a teamname item. |
field | The value of the Name and Number fields of a teamname item or the value of a custom field. |
field.name | The name of a custom field used by a product. (Extra fields can be defined via Products > Custom Fields and configured for use by a product via Products > Manage > Edit Product > Custom fields). |
field.print_text | The selected option of a custom field used by a product. (Extra fields can be defined via Products > Custom Fields and configured for use by a product via Products > Manage > Edit Product > Custom fields). |
process.name | The name of the decoration process used. |
order.job_name | The title specified for an order. |
Purchase Order
Variable | Description |
purchase_order.po_number | The unique number of the purchase order. |
purchase_order.barcode |
The unique barcode that is generated for the purchase order. ("Show Barcode on Purchase Order" must be ticked in the Settings section of the template in order for the barcode to be visible. Scanning this barcode will load the purchase order in Business Hub.) |
purchase_order.created_at | date: "%d/%b/%Y" | The date on which the purchase order was created, displayed in the format DD/MMM/YYYY. |
purchase_order.reference | The reference note or number entered at the time of creating the purchase order. |
purchase_order.supplier_name | The name of the supplier the purchase order is being sent to. |
purchase_order.vendor_invoice_number | The unique supplier invoice number for the purchase order. |
purchase_order.vendor_tracking_number | The unique supplier tracking number for the purchase order. |
purchase_order.vendor_account_number | The supplier account number for a customer account held with the supplier. |
purchase_order.supplier_address | The address of the supplier that the purchase order is being sent to. |
purchase_order.attention_to | The name of the recipient within the supplier's organization that the purchase order is intended for. |
purchase_order.delivery_address_html | The full delivery address for the purchase order, in HTML format. |
purchase_order.billing_address_html | The full billing address for the purchase order, in HTML format. |
item.code | The product code of an item ordered. |
item.name | The name of an item ordered. |
item.size | The size of an item ordered. |
item.color | The color of an item ordered. |
item.unit_price | simple_price_format | The supplier unit price of an item ordered, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
item.qty | The quantity of an item ordered. |
item.total | simple_price_format | The total cost of an item ordered, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
purchase_order.notes | The note entered by the operator (under the line items) while creating/editing the purchase order. |
purchase_order.shipping | The shipping cost for the purchase order, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
purchase_order.final_tax | The total tax included in the purchase order total, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
purchase_order.final_total | The grand total of the purchase order, displayed in currency format, excluding the currency code. E.g. $24.99 |
purchase_order.supplier.desc | The name of the supplier the purchase order is being sent to. |
purchase_order.due_date | The request date on which a purchase order is due. |
shipping_method_names | The name of the shipping method used for delivery of a purchase order. |
Packing Slip
Variable | Description |
order.order_number | The unique number of the order. |
from.account.company |
The company name of the store the order originates from. (The data will come from the Fulfillment Center contact details if it is the main store and from the store account details if it is an affiliate store). |
from_address | The street address of the store the order originates from. |
from_city | The city of the store the order originates from. |
from_state | The state of the store the order originates from. |
from_zip | The zip code of the store the order originates from. |
from_country | The country of the store the order originates from. |
site.primary_domain | The URL of the primary domain of the store the order originates from. |
purchase_order.po_number | The unique number of the purchase order. |
order.date_ordered | date: "%d/%b/%Y" | The creation date of the order, displayed in the format DD/MMM/YYYY. |
order.date_due | date: "%d/%b/%Y" | The date the order is due to be shipped by, displayed in the format DD/MMM/YYYY. |
order.shipping_days | The maximum number of days in which the order is expected to be delivered. |
shipment.freight_method_description | The name of the shipping method used for the shipment. |
shipment.tracking_number | The tracking code of the shipment, if it has been provided. |
shipment.has_tracking_url? | The condition that the order has a tracking URL. |
shipment.tracking_url | The weblink that allows the customer to track the shipping status of the order. |
customer.full_name | The customer's full name, specified for billing. |
customer.firstname | The customer's first name. |
customer.lastname | The customer's first name. |
customer.company | The customer's company name, specified for billing, if it has been provided. |
customer.address | The customer's street address, specified for billing. |
customer.city | The city that the customer is located in, specified for billing. |
customer.state | The state that the customer is located in, specified for billing. |
customer.country_name | The country that the customer is located in, specified for billing. |
customer.zip | The zip code of the area the customer is located in, specified for billing. |
customer.phone_number | The customer's phone number. |
customer.email | The customer's email address. |
order.get_shipping_detail.full_name | The customer's full name, specified for shipping. |
order.get_shipping_detail.company | The customer's company name, specified for shipping, if it has been provided. |
order.get_shipping_detail.address | The street address specified for shipping. |
order.get_shipping_detail.city | The city of the address specified for shipping. |
order.get_shipping_detail.state | The state of the address specified for shipping. |
order.get_shipping_detail.country_name | The country of the address specified for shipping. |
order.get_shipping_detail.zip | The zip code of the address specified for shipping. |
shipment_item.sku_code | The stock keeping unit (SKU) ID code of an item in the shipment. |
shipment_item.product_code_print | The product code of an item in the shipment. |
shipment_item.product_name | The name of an item in the shipment. |
shipment_item.product_size | The size of an item in the shipment. |
shipment_item.product_color | The color of an item in the shipment. |
shipment_item.qty | The quantity of an item in the shipment. |
shipment.date_shipped | date: "%d/%b/%Y" | The date set for a recorded shipment, in the format DD/MMM/YYYY. E.g 25/Dec/2016 |
shipment_item.line_item | The shipment_item.line_item object allows you to access information about order line items in the packing slip. It can be used with the same item attributes from the order template to return data about line items.
For example, you can add item view images in the packing slip like so: {% for view in shipment_item.line_item.views %} |
Campaign Worksheet
Variable | Description |
campaign.name | The name of the campaign. (This is the name that you specified as the campaign title). |
campaign.id | The unique identification number of the campaign. |
campaign.url | The URL of the campaign's store domain. |
campaign.email | The email address of the campaign owner. |
campaign.start_date | date: "%b %d, %Y" | The state date of the campaign, in the format MMM DD, YYYY. |
campaign.end_date | date: "%b %d, %Y" | The end date of the campaign, in the format MMM DD, YYYY. |
item.supplier_product.product_code | The supplier product code of a campaign item. |
item.product_name | The name of an item in the campaign. |
color.color | The color value of a product color, used to render the color swatch for a visual representation of the color. |
color.swatch_image_20 | The 20 x 20 pixel color swatch image for a product color, if an image was uploaded to represent the color in the product's configuration. |
color.color_name | The name of a product or design color. |
size_option[0] | The size code of a campaign item ordered. |
size_option[1] | The quantity of a particular size of a campaign item ordered. |
item.campaign_color_total | The total quantity of a campaign item ordered. |
view.name | The name of a product view. |
view.image_url_300 | The URL of the 300 x 300 pixel product view image. You can specify a different size for the image display by changing the size dimension to the end of the variable. Additional sizes available include:
item.all_views | All the view images for a product item, including blank and decorated views. |
process.name | The name of the decoration process used. |
process.image_url_200 | The URL link to the 200 x 200 pixel image of the design, used to decorate the product. |
process.bounding_box_size | The dimensions of the bounding box enclosing the design. |
area.name | The name of a product view area. |
process.position_top | The distance of the design from the top of the decoration area. |
process.position_left | The distance of the design from the left of the decoration area. |
area.bg_color.to_html | The background color of a product view area, if the area supports a background color and a fill color has been specified. |
text.text | The text string of a text design element. |
text.font | The name of the font used for a text design element. |
text.text_color | The hex value of the color of a text design element. |
Artwork Approval
Variable | Description |
artwork.order.order_number | The unique identification number of the order that the artwork approval is associated with. |
artwork.artwork_status_description | The status of the artwork approval, i.e. Saved, Uploaded, Awaiting Approval, Approved, Rejected, or Cancelled. |
artwork.approval_name | The name of the artwork approval, if specified. |
artwork.number | The unique identification number of the artwork approval. |
artwork.artwork_approval_description | The description of the artwork approval, if specified. |
artwork.approval_barcode |
The unique barcode that is generated for the artwork approval. ("Show Barcode on Artwork Approval" must be ticked in the Settings section of the template in order for the barcode to be visible. Scanning this barcode will load the artwork approval in Business Hub.) |
from.account.company |
The company name of the store the order originates from, if the artwork approval is associated with an order. Otherwise, the Fulfillment Center company name is shown. (The data will come from the Fulfillment Center contact details if it is the main store and from the store account details if it is an affiliate store). |
from.fc_settings.company_identification_number | The Fulfillment Center's company identification number, displayed if the Fulfillment Center has provided it. |
from.account.address |
The street address of the store the order originates from, if the artwork approval is associated with an order. Otherwise, the Fulfillment Center street address is shown. (The data will come from the Fulfillment Center contact details if it is the main store and from the store account details if it is an affiliate store). |
from.account.city |
The city that the store the order originates from is located in, if the artwork approval is associated with an order. Otherwise, the Fulfillment Center city is shown. (The data will come from the Fulfillment Center contact details if it is the main store and from the store account details if it is an affiliate store). |
from.account.state |
The state that the store the order originates from is located in, if the artwork approval is associated with an order. Otherwise, the Fulfillment Center state is shown. (The data will come from the Fulfillment Center contact details if it is the main store and from the store account details if it is an affiliate store). |
from.account.zip |
The zip code of the area that the store the order originates from is located in, if the artwork approval is associated with an order. Otherwise, the Fulfillment Center zip code is shown. (The data will come from the Fulfillment Center contact details if it is the main store and from the store account details if it is an affiliate store). |
from.account.country_name |
The name of the country that the store the order originates from is located in, if the artwork approval is associated with an order. Otherwise, the Fulfillment Center country is shown. (The data will come from the Fulfillment Center contact details if it is the main store and from the store account details if it is an affiliate store). |
site.primary_domain | The URL of the primary domain of the store the order originates from, if the artwork approval is associated with an order. Otherwise, the Fulfillment Center URL is shown. |
artwork.order.date_ordered | date: "%d/%b/%Y" | The creation date of the order, displayed in the format DD/MMM/YYYY, if the artwork approval is associated with an order. |
line_item.number | The unique identification number of the ordered item, if the artwork approval is associated with an order. |
line_item.product_name | The name of a pre-configured product ordered. |
line_item.supplier_product.product_code | The product code of a catalog product ordered. |
selected_option.option_name | The name of the selected size of a product. |
selected_option.option_qty | The quantity of a selected product size. |
line_item.free_form_size | The size of a free-form product ordered. |
field.name | The name of a custom field used by a product. (Extra fields can be defined via Products > Custom Fields and configured for use by a product via Products > Manage > Edit Product > Custom fields). |
field.print_text | The selected option of a custom field used by a product. (Extra fields can be defined via Products > Custom Fields and configured for use by a product via Products > Manage > Edit Product > Custom fields). |
line_item.free_form_color | The color of a free-form product ordered. |
color.color | The color value of a design or product color used to render the color swatch for a visual representation of the color. |
color.swatch_image_20 | The 20 x 20 pixel color swatch image for a product color, if an image was uploaded to represent the color in the product's configuration. |
color.color_name | The name of a product or design color. |
view.name | The name of a product view. |
view.image_url_200 | The URL of the 200 x 200 pixel product view image. You can specify a different size for the image display by changing the size dimension to the end of the variable. Additional sizes available include:
item.all_views | All the view images for a product item, including blank and decorated views. |
line_item.asi_image | If a product is an ASI image, this is the link to display the product image supplied by ASI. |
area.name | The name of a product view area. |
process.name | The name of the decoration process used. |
process.bounding_box_size | The dimensions of the bounding box enclosing the artwork design. |
process.position_top | The distance of the design from the top of the decoration area. |
process.position_left | The distance of the design from the left of the decoration area. |
text_item.text | The text string of a text design element. |
process.screen.name | The name of the process and the reference number of the design attached to a decoration area. |
process.screen.number_of_colors | The number of colors used in a screen print design, for a particular decoration area. |
process.colorway | The colorway of the design to be used on a particular decoration area of a product, if a design has multiple colorways. |
process.screen_color_names | The names of the colors in a screen print design, for a particular decoration area. |
process.image_url_600_no_bg | The URL link to the 600 x 600 pixel image of the design artwork without a background, for approval. |
area.design_background_color.to_html | The background color of a product view design area, if the area supports a background color and a fill color has been specified by the customer. |
item.configured_product.product_name | The name of a pre-configured product ordered. |
label | The column heading labels for the Name and Number fields of a team name listing. |
teamname_count | The item number of a teamname item. |
screen.number_of_colors | The number of colors used in a screen print design. |
teamname.size_label | The size of a teamname item. |
field | The value of the Name and Number fields of a teamname item or the value of a custom field. |
screen.name | The name of a screen required to produce a screen print design |
screen.thumbnail | The link to display a 300 x 300 pixel thumbnail image of a screen required to produce a screen print design if the design doesn't have colorways. You can specify a different size for the thumbnail image display by appending the size dimension to the end of the variable. Available sizes include:
used_in | The name of the product that screens are used in. |
screen.size | The dimensions of a screen required to produce a screen print design. |
screen.number_of_colors | The number of colors used in a screen print design. |
row_count | The number of an item as it appears in a list. |
colors | The names of the colors used in a design colorway, as defined by the customer. |
screen.color_names | The color name of a color used in a design, as defined by the customer. |
job.number | The unique number of a particular artwork job for a design requiring changes. |
job.name | The name of an artwork job. |
job.big_image_url | The URL link to a large-scale image of the job design. |
job.process_name | The name of the process the artwork job is required for. |
job.product_dimensions | The dimensions of the design artwork. |
attachment.image_url | The image link to the URL of an attachment associated with a line item in the order. |
attachment.get_file_name | The filename of an attachment associated with a line item in the order. |
attachment.name | The name, entered by the operator, of an attachment associated with a line item in the order. |
attachment.description | The description, entered by the operator, of an attachment associated with a line item in the order. |
artwork.has_production_notes? | The condition that the artwork approval has notes to the customer associated with it. |
artwork.production_notes | The list of notes to the customer in an artwork approval. |
{{ note.created_at | date: "%d/%b/%Y" }} | The date on which a note to the customer in artwork approval was created, displayed in the format DD/MMM/YYYY. E.g 25/Dec/2016 |
{{ note.content }} | The content of a note to the customer in an artwork approval. |
job.comments | The content of the artwork job description field in an artwork approval. |
artwork.customer_name | The full name of the customer for an artwork job where the artwork job is not associated with an order. |
artwork.customer_company | The name of the company of a customer for an artwork job where the artwork job is not associated with an order. |
artwork.artwork_customer.full_name | The full name of a customer for an artwork job whether it has an order associated with it or not. |
artwork.artwork_customer.full_address | The full address of a customer for an artwork job whether it has an order associated with it or not. |
artwork.artwork_customer.phone_number | The full phone number of a customer for an artwork job whether it has an order associated with it or not. |
artwork.artwork_customer.email | The full email address of a customer for an artwork job whether it has an order associated with it or not. |
Purchase Order Stock Sheet
Variable | Description |
purchase_order.po_number | The unique number of the purchase order. |
purchase_order.barcode |
The unique barcode that is generated for the purchase order. ("Show Barcode on Purchase Order" must be ticked in the Settings section of the template in order for the barcode to be visible. Scanning this barcode will load the purchase order in Business Hub.) |
purchase_order.created_at | date: "%d/%b/%Y" | The date on which the purchase order was created, displayed in the format DD/MMM/YYYY. |
purchase_order.reference | The reference note or number entered at the time of creating the purchase order. |
purchase_order.supplier_name | The name of the supplier that the purchase order is being sent to. |
purchase_order.vendor_invoice_number | The unique supplier invoice number for the purchase order. |
purchase_order.vendor_tracking_number | The unique supplier tracking number for the purchase order. |
purchase_order.supplier_address | The address of the supplier where the purchase order is being sent. |
purchase_order.attention_to | The name of the recipient within the supplier's organization that the purchase order is intended for. |
purchase_order.cart_invoice_numbers | The invoice numbers of orders that the purchase order is associated with. |
item.code | The product code of an item ordered. |
item.name | The name of an item ordered. |
item.size | The size of an item ordered. |
item.color | The color of an item ordered. |
item.qty | The quantity of an item ordered. |
item.qty_received | The quantity of a purchase order item received. |
wfi_poli.workflow_item.cart.invoice_number | The invoice number of the order for which an item is being ordered. |
wfi_poli.workflow_item.cart.user.full_name | The full name of the customer who placed an order for the item in the purchase order. |
wfi_poli.qty | The quantity of an item required to fulfill a particular sales order. |
wfi_poli.qty_received | The quantity of an item received for a particular sales order. |
item.stock_item_purchase_order_line_item.qty | The quantity of a stock item ordered. |
item.stock_item_purchase_order_line_item.qty_received | The quantity received of a stock item ordered. |
purchase_order.notes | The note entered by the operator (under the line items) while creating/editing the purchase order. |
1 comment
The Packing Slip variable is not correct.
Should be {{ shipment.ship_date | date: "%d/%b/%Y" }}
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