DecoNetwork provides a robust Purchase Orders (POs) system to help streamline your business's procurement processes. The Purchase Orders List is where you can manage and track all your POs efficiently. This guide aims to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the Purchase Orders List interface in DecoNetwork. For instructions on how to create a PO, edit a PO, and other PO actions, see the relevant help article under the Purchase Orders section.
- You must have Administrator or Purchasing access to use this feature
In this article...
- To view your purchase orders list
- To view a purchase order
- To customize the fields displayed for your purchase orders
- Sorting purchase orders
- Searching for purchase orders
To view your purchase orders list:
- Log into your DecoNetwork website.
- Browse to Business Hub > Artwork Approvals.
The main work area shows the POs that have been raised, listed in a table.
To view a purchase order:
When you view a PO, you will be able to see the list of items, quantities, and prices of the items that have been ordered. When viewing a PO, you will be able to perform the following actions; send the PO to the supplier, mark the PO as sent, edit the PO, receive stock of the items ordered in the PO, merge the PO into an existing PO, print or download PO sheets and stock sheets, and delete the PO. See the individual help articles for instructions on how to perform these actions.
- Log into your DecoNetwork website.
- Browse to Business Hub > Purchase Orders.
- Click View to load the PO you want to view.
The PO is loaded main work area.
To customize the fields displayed for your purchase orders:
You can customize the information displayed in the Purchase Orders List by choosing which fields you want to be shown in the table.
- Click on the gear icon in the last cell of the header row.
The table of purchase order fields is displayed.
- Tick the checkboxes for the fields you want to be displayed and un-tick the checkboxes for the fields you do not want to be displayed.
- PO Number: the PO number.
- Order Number: the number of the order the PO is linked to.
- Supplier: the name of the supplier.
- Supplier Invoice: the supplier invoice number for the PO.
- Date Raised: the date on which the PO was raised.
- Delivery Date: the date on which the PO is expected to be delivered.
- Deliver Name: the name specified for the PO delivery.
- Delivery Company: the name of the delivery company that will be delivering the PO.
- Delivery Address: the street address where the PO is to be delivered.
- Delivery City: the city where the PO is to be delivered.
- Delivery State: the state where the PO is to be delivered.
- Delivery Post Code: the postcode where the PO is to be delivered.
- Delivery Country: the country where the PO is to be delivered.
- Delivery Phone Number: the phone number of the delivery recipient.
- Amount: the total cost of the PO.
- Reference: the number allocated to the PO.
- Qty Ordered: the total quantity of items ordered in the PO.
- Qty Received: the number of items received from the PO.
- Attention: the name of the person who will be receiving the PO.
- Live Ordering: an indication of whether live ordering is enabled for the PO.
- Live Ordering Status: the live ordering status of the PO.
- Click okay.
Sorting purchase orders
By default, POs will be sorted by the PO number, starting with the latest number to the earliest. You can change how the Purchase Orders List is sorted by clicking on any of the enabled field names (highlighted in blue) in the header row.6
An initial click on a particular field name will cause the list to be sorted by that field, in descending order. Clicking on the same field name again will cause the list to be sorted by that field in ascending order.
The current sort field will be indicated by the field name cell being filled with a gray background. The current sort order will be indicated by a down arrow or an up arrow after the field name. A down arrow indicates descending order and an up arrow indicates ascending order.
Searching for purchase orders
You can search for particular POs using any of the active fields in the table. Search for POs by typing or selecting a value in one or more of the fields in the row directly below the header row and then clicking on the Search button at the end of the row.
You can quickly reset the search fields by using the Ctrl and ALT keys. Holding down the Crtl and ALT keys will turn the Search button into a Clear Search button. Click on the Clear Search button while holding down Ctrl + ALT to clear the filters and return the POs list to an unfiltered list.
Text Search Fields
Text fields are indicated by a blank box. To search using a text field, click inside the box and enter the string that you want to search for.
Drop Down List Search Fields
Dropdown list search fields have a down arrow icon at the right of the field box. Click on the button and select an option from the drop-down list to search for POs with the selected value.
Value Range Search Fields
Value range search fields require To and From values to be entered as part of the search criteria. Value range search fields have a small black triangle in the bottom-right of the search box.
To search using a value range search field:
- Click within the field box
A popup is displayed, containing To and From fields
- Enter values in the To and From fields
- Click okay
Date Search Fields
Date search fields also have a small black triangle in the bottom-right of the search box.
To search by date:
- Click within the date field box
A popup is displayed, containing a drop-down list with date filter options
- Select a specific date filter option within which you want to search POs
- Select "Between:" to specify a custom date range
- Click on the calendar icon
in the From field, select a date using the Date Picker tool, and then click OK when you have picked the desired date. Do the same for the To field.
- Select "Between:" to specify a custom date range
- Click okay.
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