Exporting addresses for newsletter signups is a vital marketing task for businesses. DecoNetwork makes it easy to export these email addresses into a CSV file, which can be imported into a database or an email marketing platform. Whether you're a startup or an established enterprise, maintaining an engaged customer base is crucial. Newsletters are a powerful tool to keep your audience informed, drive sales, and build brand loyalty. To make your email marketing campaigns more effective, it's important to have an up-to-date and accurate list of contacts. This article will guide you through the process of exporting addresses for newsletter signups in DecoNetwork, helping you seamlessly integrate this valuable data into your email marketing strategy.
- You must have administrator or web developer access to use this feature
To export newsletter addresses:
- Log into your DecoNetwork website.
- If you are the Fulfillment Center, browse to Admin > Websites.
Select Manage for the website you want to configure.
- Click Marketing and Sales Tools, then Export Newsletter Addresses.
The Export Newsletter Addresses page will be displayed listing all the customers who subscribe to your newsletter.
- Click on the CSV Export button.
Your browser's Save dialog is displayed.
- Click OK.
A CSV file of your DecoNetwork newsletter subscribers will be created.
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