This page lets you configure the price settings for products in your affiliate web store. On this page you can perform the following price related tasks for products in your store:
- Specify a markup which sets the default retail selling prices
- Configure the rounding of prices
- Choose the way prices will be displayed within the website pages of your store
- View the entire price chart
An explanation of each of these settings/features is given in the instructions below.
To edit Price Settings:
- Log into your DecoNetwork Website.
- If you are an affiliate, browse to Admin > Price Settings.
If you are the Fulfillment Center owner, browse to Admin > Websites > Manage > Price Settings.
The Price Settings page will be displayed in the work area.
- Configure the price settings.
Default wholesale-to-retail markup is the default method of increasing the price of a product from its wholesale price (the amount the Fulfillment Center gets from the sale of a product) to its sale price (what the consumer pays for the product). The markup is the amount the affiliate earns from the sale of the product.
Default markup as a percentage of wholesale is a relative markup specified as a percentage rate of the store wholesale price. The markup amount will increase or decrease as the wholesale price of the product increases or decreases.
Displayed beside the markup percentage field is the percentage of the sale price that the markup equates to. This is to help you easily calculate how much you will earn from the sale of a product. This value changes live as the markup percentage is adjusted.
Click here for an explanation of how the store wholesale price is calculated.
- Default markup as fixed amount is a flat markup value that does not change regardless of the wholesale price of the product.
Default markup as a percentage of wholesale is a relative markup specified as a percentage rate of the store wholesale price. The markup amount will increase or decrease as the wholesale price of the product increases or decreases.
Price rounding sets the minimum number of cents used when price calculations are made.
- Selecting Drop to .99 will reduce the price from the next highest round price to 99 cents. In order for this to work, you must set the Round price to value to "100".
Price display in store lets you choose the currency format you would like applied to your site.
Volume discounts lets you choose whether you want volume discounts to be applied to your markup.
- If the checkbox is ticked, volume discounts will apply to the markup as well as the wholesale price set for this store. This means the affiliate will receive a reduced commission (markup minus volume discount).
- If the checkbox is not ticked, volume discounts will only apply to the wholesale price. In this case, the commission received by the affiliate will be the full markup amount.
Default wholesale-to-retail markup is the default method of increasing the price of a product from its wholesale price (the amount the Fulfillment Center gets from the sale of a product) to its sale price (what the consumer pays for the product). The markup is the amount the affiliate earns from the sale of the product.
- Click Save.
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