You can send a note to the customer at any time after an artwork approval has been created, and you can also attach files with your note. All notes, including those added by the customer, are saved with the artwork approval, making communications easy to track. Follow this guide to learn how to keep your customer informed and maintain organized records throughout the artwork approval process.
- You must have Administrator and/or Artwork Staff permission to use this feature.
To send a note to the customer about an artwork approval:
- Log into your DecoNetwork website.
- Browse to Business Hub > Artwork Approvals.
- Click view to load the artwork approval you want to add a note to.
- Click on Add Note for Customer.
The Add Note for Customer popup will be displayed.
- Enter a note in the Note textbox.
You can attach a file to accompany the note by clicking on the Attach New File button.
- Click OK.
The note will be sent to the customer via email. It will also be displayed in the History section on the right of the artwork approval form when viewed by the customer and in the History/Notes tab of the artwork approval in Business Hub. The creator of the note and the date and time of creation is displayed with each note.
A note icon is displayed beside the artwork approval number on the Artwork Approvals page to indicate that there are notes relating to the artwork approval.
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