In the Orders section of your affiliate store, you can see a list of orders including the order number, order date, customer name, price of the order, the status, date processed, date shipped, and the commission received from the order. You can also export your orders.
- You must have administrator access to use this feature
In this article you will learn how...
To view your Orders:
- Browse to Admin > Websites
- Select Manage for the store you want see orders for.
- Select Orders.
The Orders page is displayed.
- This page gives a summary of orders that have been made on the selected site.
- You can click View to give you a breakdown of the order line items, customer details, financials, and order status.
- You can click Advanced Search to search by the order number, date, commission status, or customer name.
To export orders for use in external applications
- Click Export Orders
- If running the export for the first time, the page will show no data. If it has been run before, the Previously Exported section will show the date ranges of previous exports along with the option to view the export's order summary and order items.
- Click Create Export to create a new order export.
The export options will be displayed.
- Export new orders: select this option if you want to export all new orders since your last export.
- Export orders between a date range: select this option if you want to export orders between specific dates. This option will not create an order history.
You can choose to export the orders in the format of a summary or individual order line items.
- Click Save to run the export.
You will be shown a summary of the export results.
Once viewing the export results, you may click either CSV Export or Quicken Export to export the data into the chosen format.
A popup will be displayed to notify you when the export is complete.
- Click Continue.
You will be taken back to the Export Orders page showing your previous exports.
- Click either View order summary or View order items to view the results of the export.
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