The Dashboard in Business Hub provides you with a snapshot of your business over a specific period. Here you can see an overview of all the activities that occur in your business, including sales, purchasing, artwork approvals, and production.
You can filter to show results by Period and by Staff Account. The time periods you can filter by include:
- Last 7 days: Show results for the last 7 days.
- Last 30 days: Shows results for the last 30 days.
- Last 12 calendar months: Shows results of the last 12 months, including the current month.
- Last 12 rolling months: Shows the results of the last 12 months, including the period between the current date and the date exactly 12 months ago.
- All time calendar months: Shows the result of all months since signup, including the current month.
- All time rolling months: Shows the result of all months since the date of signup, up to the date of signup in the current month.
- Custom Period: lets you specify a custom date range for which you want to see statistics. When this option is selected date picker fields will be displayed, allowing you to select the start and end dates.
Click View once you have selected the dates.
Two graphs are displayed for each activity. The first graph shows the overall volume of that activity over time. In each graph, there is an indication of the percentage increase or decrease against the last month and the last year. The second graph shows the current numbers of each activity broken down into stages.
In the orders volume graph, you can see the numbers for those orders that come from internet sales, those that come from Business Hub, and the total of all orders. You can also choose to see the graph showing the number of orders or value of orders.
In the production volume graph, you can choose to see the graph showing the number of orders produced or the number of orders shipped.
In the Dashboard, you can also choose to see the individual activities that occur in your system, such as orders placed, orders paid for, purchase orders raised, etc. Click on the Show Activity link in the top right-hand corner to display the activity panel. Each activity contains a link to the relevant quote or order. Click on the Hide Activity link to hide the activity panel.
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