Custom shipping methods allow you to tailor shipping rates based on your specific requirements. You can set up standard, express, or international shipping methods. You can configure your custom shipping methods to be fixed-rate or variable rates based on factors such as order total, weight, or shipping zones
Custom shipping methods provide flexibility and control over your shipping strategy, ensuring that your customers are charged accurate shipping costs based on your specific criteria.
- You must have administrator access to use this feature
To configure custom shipping methods:
- Log into your DecoNetwork Website.
- Browse to Admin > Settings > Shipping.
- Select Shipping Methods.
A list of your shipping methods will appear in a list.
- Click the Edit button beside a shipping method to configure it.
The Edit Shipping Method screen is displayed.
Various tabs are available for configuring the custom shipping method.
- Configure the settings as required.
See the Custom shipping method settings article for details about the settings.
- Click Save.
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