Clickatell SMS Integration



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    Cyndi Pedwell (c)

    what format do we need to enter our customers cell number in their account for this to work?  In Canada so is it 2042445566   or is it 12042445566 or do we need the + in front?

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    Lee Prazner

    Hi Cyndi,


    The phone number needs to be in full international format. This means that you need to include the plus sign (+) followed by the country code, city code, and local phone number.

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    VIVIANA A (d)

    Is this for online orders only?

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    Lee Prazner

    Hi Viviana,

    It is for both online orders (orders placed through the storefront) and for backend orders (orders placed through Business Hub).

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    Mike Fackrell

    What is the Call-to-action / message flow that Deco uses for users to sign up for txt messaging?  It seems it is required for US numbers. This is from Clickatell "You are required to provide a clear and concise description of how an end user signs up to receive messages."  This is asked when setting up a 10DLC Campaign Registration for a long number.  

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    Lee Prazner

    Hi Mike Fackrell,

    You can add consent into your T&C's for placing orders. Please see the Commercial Terms help article for instructions on editing the terms and conditions.

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    R Powers

    Can you set up an SMS option when sending quotes ??

    That informs the customer a quote has been created and link them to it?

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    Lee Prazner

    You can only set up SMS notifications for orders.

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    Dan Raskas

    Is there a list of the data fields available to include in the SMS notification messages. For example, can we include the tracking number in the Order Shipped SMS. Can the message include links to click in the message to go directly to the order (in Order Placed SMS) or tracking sites (in Order Shipped SMS)?

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    Lee Prazner

    Hi Dan Raskas,

    Order links are not supported at this time. The only custom fields currently supported are [SITE], [SITE_NAME], and [ORDER_NUMBER]. Please feel free to submit these on our Feature Requests page for future consideration.

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    Daniel Campa

    Can I set up for SMS notification to be sent out when an order has been produced prior to marking as shipped? I want to make sure I can send a notification for local pick ups as well.  


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    Lee Prazner

    Hi Daniel Campa!

    There isn't currently a notification that can be sent for produced orders. Feel free to submit this as a feature request.

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