Congratulations! You have signed up to DecoNetwork. It is a momentous occasion, with DecoNetwork you have the opportunity to take your business online while significantly reducing costs over manual based or separate quotation, ordering, artwork approval, invoicing, purchase ordering, inventory, payment, and production control systems, and more. That's before even talking about the website and what it can do for you.
But first...
While DecoNetwork offers you a lot, and you can get a lot in return - we have the success stories and statistics to prove it - you need to understand what DecoNetwork can't do for you. It's really as important as knowing what it can do for you so your expectations with the system are aligned with the reality of deploying information technology infrastructure to support your business.
DecoNetwork can't know your business style, your exact production processes, what you have in stock today, how you want your website organized - no - all of these things are in your head, in your notes, or in your business plan. Maybe they aren't written anywhere at all. Maybe you don't even know. What this means is that while you can have your store with a production backend up and running in about an hour, it almost certainly won't be how you want it to look or feel on the front end. To achieve all that takes effort. Success takes time. To make a success of DecoNetwork be prepared to spend a good deal of time learning the ins and outs of the systems, experimenting, reading. Be brave. Ask for help, there is a lot to learn!
While this may sound daunting, once you are through the setup phase things do become much, much easier. Your decoration business is able to run through a single program, all your team members will be operating from a single page. Costs will reduce. Production timelines speed up. In the end, you will be even more profitable than you are today, and the return on investment will become obvious.
One of those statistics...
The difference between the success and failure of your DecoNetwork investment is roughly $1000. That's $1000 in orders. Once you have put $1000 in orders through DecoNetwork the value of the system starts to become apparent, and those businesses that do get through this milestone are more than ten times more likely to stay and grow with DecoNetwork. To put that into perspective $1000 in orders is clearly less than a days work for an established operator.
Therefore, make it your goal to get yourself up and running and relying on DecoNetwork to run your business - not necessarily just the website - as a priority. The sooner this happens, the sooner your return on investment with DecoNetwork will come true!
From here you should take a look at the high-level view of the system; the interface, the Business Hub, the Web Store, Affiliates, Pricing Models, and the Order Lifecycle. Then jump in, start setting up and get your DecoNetwork ready. As you need to, refer to the online support available to get either a better understanding of a concept or process available to you or look for a walkthrough on a certain topic.
Happy Decorating!
From all the team at DecoNetwork, we wish you all the best of luck; your success is ours too and we are cheering for you and supporting you with everything we have.
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