Pricing tables allow you to define how customers are charged for decoration services using more sophisticated methods than a flat fee. Price tables set the pricing on a per-order line basis - like-products of varying sizes will be on the same order line, provided they are in the same color. Different colors will always be a new order line. Each decoration process has its own unique set of pricing variables which are outlined below. Creating a price table does not activate its use for the decoration method, the price table (you may define many) must be selected as the active price table for each decoration process.
Price tables set the default price for products to which that default applies. For example, DTG price tables will set pricing for all products that use DTG, or for a group/category of products that use DTG as configured in the Product Group. As always default pricing may also be overridden at the product level by editing a product's pricing tab.
- You must have administrator access to use this feature
To configure a price table
- Browse to Admin > Decoration Processes > DTG Printing (or other process) > Price Tables
The Price Tables page will be displayed. If you already have price tables configured, they will be listed here. The Type column will describe the type of pricing that the price table uses.
- If you want to edit an existing price table, click on the Edit button beside the price table you want to edit and proceed to step 5.
- If you are configuring price tables for the first time, click Add Price Table.
- Select a pricing method you want to use, then click Save to load the price table for configuration.
- Standard Pricing - Flat prices based on number of areas used: select this option if you want pricing to be a single fixed price based on the number of decoration areas used.
- Area Pricing - Flat prices based on area size breakdowns: select this option if you want pricing to be a fixed price per definable sized bracket.
- Area Pricing - Prices per square inch based on area size breakdowns: select this option if you want pricing to be area-based, changeable per definable size bracket.
- Area Pricing - Prices per square inch based on number of areas used: select this option if you want pricing to be area-based, scalable with volume, based on the number of decoration areas used.
- Configure the price table.
- Standard Pricing - Flat prices based on number of areas used
- Standard pricing will not take any factors into consideration when determining the price of using the decoration method, other than the number of decoration areas being used.
- Give the table a Name.
- Rows sets how many decoration areas will have a price set.
- Columns sets how many product order volume levels will be configured.
- Pricing Mode lets you choose how you want to price the decorations:
- By color type changes the price of the decoration based on the color used (white, light, or dark).
- Single price will not vary the price based on the color or colors used in a decoration area.
- By color type changes the price of the decoration based on the color used (white, light, or dark).
- Quantity From sets the volume pricing levels (adjust the number of levels in the columns box).
- Complete the pricing table by setting the value of the decoration at each volume, color (if used), and decoration area number. The prices set in each Area # will be added together. ie, if 2 print areas are used, area 2 will be added to area 1 in the final determination of price. The system does not differentiate between areas used when calculating the price in a pricing table, it will only count the number of areas used and apply the price set in the pricing table.
- The per-print price for additional print areas used will charge the rate set for every extra decoration area used.
- Standard pricing will not take any factors into consideration when determining the price of using the decoration method, other than the number of decoration areas being used.
- Area Pricing - Flat prices based on area size breakdowns
- Use this price table to set pricing that is based on the accumulated size of decorations, with the pricing set into definable brackets (e.g. 0-20sq cm/inches, >20-30 sq cm/inches, etc).
- This pricing method is configured as per Standard Pricing, with the following differences
- Square cm/inch pricing brackets are set as rows.
- Area Calculation is determined by either the size of the graphic or the bounding box of the graphic.
- Use this price table to set pricing that is based on the accumulated size of decorations, with the pricing set into definable brackets (e.g. 0-20sq cm/inches, >20-30 sq cm/inches, etc).
- Area Pricing - Prices per square inch based on area size breakdowns
- Use this price table to set pricing that is based on the accumulated size of decorations, with the pricing set into definable brackets (e.g. 0-20sq cm/inches, >20-30 sq cm/inches, etc).
- Use this price table to set pricing that is based on the accumulated size of decorations, with the pricing set into definable brackets (e.g. 0-20sq cm/inches, >20-30 sq cm/inches, etc).
- Area Pricing - Prices per square inch based on number of areas used
- Use this method to set a price per square cm/inch per decoration area used, scalable with volume, with price per decoration area changeable for each subsequent placement area used.
This method is configured as per standard pricing, with the following differences:
- Pricing is per square cm/inch, per decoration used. Thus the first area used will use the #1 per square cm/inch price, the second area used has the #2 price, and so on.
- The area calculation can be set by either the Actual graphic size or bounding box size as set in the Area Calculation dropdown.
- Minimum $ sets the lowest possible price for using a decoration area.
- Use this method to set a price per square cm/inch per decoration area used, scalable with volume, with price per decoration area changeable for each subsequent placement area used.
- Standard Pricing - Flat prices based on number of areas used
- Choose whether to apply discounts to additional areas.
Tick the Apply discounts on additional areas? checkbox if you want to set discounts for using additional printing areas. This option enables percentage discounts on areas decorated beyond the first.
Specify the number of additional areas you want to apply discounts for and specify the percentage discount for each area.
- When complete, click Save.
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