DNC-10733 |
Ability to edit the 404 error page |
404 error page can now be edited via the website pages editor to match the look and feel of the website.
Click the image to enlarge.
DNC-16331 |
NEW: Order slip document available for print and download |
New order slip document functions like a packing slip but is available before recording shipments against an order and contains all order items rather than items tied to a specific shipment.
Click the image to enlarge.
Click the image to enlarge.
DNC-23203 |
Various improvements to the template builder |
The template builder has received a variety of enhancements including:
- Improved default font
- Elements maintain aspect ratio by default
- Ability to specify colors as hex RGB
- Ability to clone elements from the layers panel
- Ability to align elements to artboard center or edges
- Ability to copy DecoNetwork templates from the Stock/Store designs list
Option to combine quantities across line items for embroidery |
Embroidery process has a new option to allow combining quantities for price table breaks across all items using the same uploaded design.
Click the image to enlarge.
DNC-26598 |
Ability to change header layout for selected theme |
You can now change a website's header layout independently of the selected theme. |
DNC-26790 |
New payment_id property against payments on Order Management API |
Order Management API has a new payment_id property against payments to allow identifying payments which span across multiple orders. |
DNC-26947 |
Improved: Order sheet shows preview image for PDF attachments |
Quote/Order/Invoice sheet now shows an image preview for PDF line item attachments. |
DNC-28524 |
New Administrator staff notification for failed payment attempts |
Staff team members with the Administrator role can receive a new email notification whenever a payment attempt fails |
DNC-28810 |
Optimized loading of store permissions page |
Store permissions page has been optimized for quicker loading. Blank products now span across multiple pages and items are highlighted as being inactive or set to Business Hub only availability for clarity.
Click the image to enlarge.
DNC-28848 |
Fixed: Email contents no longer affects Business Hub layout |
Email contents in popups like Email order are now sandboxed to prevent their styles from affecting Business Hub and vise-versa. |
DNC-29075 |
Consolidated inventory pull sheet document added to batch stores & campaigns |
Batch stores and campaigns now have access to a consolidated inventory pull sheet document which combines inventory on-hand used across all orders. |
DNC-29255 |
Added new UPS integration |
UPS has been re-added as a live shipping carrier. This uses UPS’s new OAuth-based authentication system. Users of the existing UPS integration will need to switch to the new integration before June 2024. |
DNC-29296 |
Live inventory and ordering integration with Ralawise. |
Ralawise now has the ability to get live inventory amounts and the ability to send POs electronically from within Business Hub. |
DNC-29554 |
New staff team member notification when waste recorded |
Staff team members with a relevant role (Administrators, Sales Managers, Sales Team Members, Production Managers, Production Team Members) can now receive a notification when quantities are marked as wasted. |
DNC-29637 |
Improvement: Ability to set purchase order overage behavior |
It’s now possible to choose the desired behavior when order quantities are reduced on an order that already has a linked purchase order. You can choose to keep the overage and assign it to inventory or reduce the PO quantities to match the change on the customer order. |
DNC-29639 |
Improved sort order for purchase order line items |
Purchase order line items are now sorted by product code, product color name, and product size making it easier to keep track of SKUs on order. |
DNC-29673 |
Improvement: Ability to select shipping methods that won't get synced to ShipStation |
Can now select shipping methods to exclude from ShipStation order sync. Useful for excluding orders using methods like in-house delivery or in-store pickup from being sent to ShipStation.
Click the image to enlarge.
DNC-29723 |
Inventory API options added to include deleted products and SKUs |
Inventory API has new options to include deleted products and SKUs in query results |
DNC-29776 |
Outstanding balance column added to companies export |
Companies export to CSV now includes an outstanding balance column. |
DNC-29799 |
New option to control when production files should sync to Dropbox |
New setting under Production File Sync allows choosing between syncing files as soon as they are ready or once the order is ready for production. |
DNC-29820 |
UI/UX Improvements throughout Admin & Business Hub |
UI/UX improvements have been made throughout the platform. The focus being clarity, consistency as well as unity between Admin and Business Hub.
Summary of notable changes:
- Make checkboxes and radio buttons clickable via their label
- Consistent field sizing in popups
- Improved sidebar information display including order errors, old pricing notice, missing info, and internal notes
- Apply consistent sort order across all History/Notes tabs (newest at the top)
- Artwork approval list rows are now clickable
- Customer/company list rows are now clickable
- Ability to clear universal search field with ESC keypress
- Improved custom field display on order and production screens
- Popups use similar style in both Admin and Business Hub
- Merge PO popups to use dropdowns instead of radio buttons to select the target PO
- Improved product color select popup
- Use icons with text rollover for order production stage columns (Pay Req Met, Ordered, Received, Produced, Shipped)
- Campaign & Batch Store sections moved from Sales & Service to Processing.
- Production section renamed to Processing
- Display a purchase order's live ordering state (enabled/disabled) when viewing it
- Display alert when live ordering gets disabled due to line item errors
- Allow message field in email send popup to be resized
- Added print action from email history popup
- Perform search when column heading filter changed
- Clear the focused column heading filter by pressing ESC
- Adjusted checkerboard background image contrast to improve design visibility
- Improved template builder UI
- Improved click area for popup close button
- Improved click area for category & page management lists
Click the image to enlarge.
DNC-29823 |
Fixed an issue with breadcrumbs not showing correctly for some pages |
Fixed an issue that would cause some pages to show incorrect breadcrumb information. |
DNC-29849 |
New option to trim empty area around raster image uploads |
New decoration process option added to trim empty area around raster image uploads. The trimmed image will be considered the new source file. |
DNC-29857 |
Re-enabled Business Hub notifications for all accounts |
Business Hub notifications re-enabled for all accounts as they no longer block access to universal search. |
DNC-29862 |
Optimized loading of product data |
Optimizations added for loading blank product data. This speeds up loading time, especially for accounts with many custom product fields. |
DNC-29869 |
Improved Admin websites list search |
Admin websites list search has been improved to maintain applied filters until manually cleared. Deleted stores are now correctly filtered out from basic search results. |
DNC-29894 |
Batch store and campaign orders excluded from overview page by default |
Business Hub overview page now excludes orders from batch stores and campaigns by default as those orders have their own dedicated sections. Toggles are available to include those orders if necessary.
Click the image to enlarge.
DNC-29897 |
Adjusted tracking URL for UPS shipments |
UPS tracking URL updated to latest cross-region format |
DNC-29911 |
Improved: Split user design/upload permissions |
Designer permissions for user uploads are now separate from permissions for use of existing user designs. |
DNC-29915 |
DecoPay: Ability to set a surcharge for payment methods |
When using DecoPay, payment methods can be configured to charge a surcharge (percentage or flat fee). This can be used to pass processing fees on to your customer.
Click the image to enlarge.
DNC-29916 |
Production calendar now displays on a dedicated page |
Production calendar is now split into a dedicated tab in Business Hub to make both it and the production list view easier to access. |
DNC-29928 |
Fixed issue with incorrect prices on decorated product listings |
Fixed an issue with incorrect decorated product prices in listings caused by volume discounts being set to only apply to blank prices |
DNC-29943 |
Date received property added to Purchase Order API |
Purchase orders now include a date received property in the Purchase Order Management API |
DNC-29947 |
Mobile site menus can now display matching content for custom dropdowns |
Widgets placed in a custom dropdown have a new option labeled Show as Link(s) in Mobile Menu which when enabled will display matching links on the sites' mobile menu.
Click the image to enlarge.
DNC-29953 |
Improved: Now display a badge to alert of catalog updates |
Select Catalogs menu item under Admin > Products now displays a badge when catalog updates are available. |
DNC-29954 |
Fixed widget settings when font is no longer available |
It’s now possible to edit widget settings for widgets using fonts that are no longer available. |
DNC-29967 |
Ability to manually place customer/company accounts on spending hold |
Customer/company accounts can now be manually placed on a spending hold preventing them from placing additional orders. Business Hub will show a warning when creating an order for a customer on a spending hold. |
DNC-29970 |
Improved: Update order modified date when sales staff is changed |
An order's modified date will now update whenever the assigned sales staff is changed. |
DNC-29977 |
Fixed price rounding display on listing widgets |
Listing widgets placed on custom pages now correctly apply price rounding rules. |
DNC-29982 |
Improved visibility of DecoPay fields at checkout |
DecoPay payment fields now use the site's configured input field style to ensure clear visibility. |
DNC-29983 |
Significant improvements to product color sort order |
Product colors are now sorted alphabetically by default and a new option under blank product display allows choosing whether to display them alphabetically or grouped by hue. The sort order can also be overridden and set at the blank product level. |
DNC-29987 |
Fixed quote request product selection |
Fixed an issue which prevented selected product on quote request form from being included in the resulting quote request |
DNC-29990 |
State names are now correctly displayed in Japanese language |
Fixed an issue with state names not showing correctly for Japanese language |
DNC-29996 |
Designer asset filenames now limited to 100 characters |
Filenames for designer asset uploads are now limited/trimmed to 100 characters to avoid system failures. |
DNC-29997 |
Improved: Added two production filename placeholders |
Production filename placeholders added for order payment requirement met [ORDER_PAY_REQ_MET] and order art approved [ORDER_ART_APPROVED]. |
DNC-29998 |
Improved: new purchase order line items start unset |
When adding a line item to a purchase order, it starts without any SKU selected making it easier to identify the newly added line and set the desired SKU. |
DNC-30001 |
Fixed: Now exclude spam customer records from CSV export |
Spam customer records are no longer included when exporting customer records to CSV. |
DNC-30004 |
Improved Business Hub list scrolling |
Some lists in Business Hub now have persistent column headers that continue to be visible even when scrolling on a long list.
Click the image to enlarge.
DNC-30006 |
Fixed an issue causing custom field values to get clipped |
Fixed an issue that would cause custom product field values to get clipped |
DNC-30011 |
Improved: Allow closing colors used panel for screen printing |
The colors used panel can now be closed by clicking the label. This can be useful when to avoid overlap on other designer elements like the dimensions fields. |
DNC-30019 |
Improved: Ability to re-use previously linked bank accounts |
For accounts using DecoPay, customers will be able to re-use previously linked bank accounts instead of re-linking each payment attempt. |
DNC-30024 |
Improved: Added canonical tag for pages with trailing slash |
Added a canonical tag to pages to avoid being flagged as duplicate content due to the presence of a trailing slash in the URL |
DNC-30027 |
Added alphabroder Canada supplier catalog |
alphabroder Canada product catalog has been added as a fully integrated supplier with support for live inventory and direct purchase ordering. |
DNC-30032 |
Improved: Use localized address format on order confirmation page |
Localized/regional format now used to display address and name on order confirmation page. |
DNC-30034 |
Fixed issue with orders graph report |
Orders graph report is once again working with custom date ranges |
DNC-30037 |
Improved: State field no longer required for Sweden and Norway |
State field is now optional for Sweden and Norway matching their address format |
DNC-30041 |
Ability to reset Business Hub list search fields |
Holding Ctrl+Alt now turns the Business Hub list search button into a Clear Search button to easily reset the search fields and return to an unfiltered list.
DNC-30050 |
DecoPay: Ability to set available payment methods at the company and customer level |
DecoPay users can now set allowed payment methods at the company and customer level.

DNC-30067 |
Improved: Can now unset custom field default option at product level |
Radio button custom product fields can now have their default option unset when customizing fields at the product level. |
DNC-30080 |
Improved: Prevent access to unassigned order items |
Items in the orders section no longer link to the production page if the logged-in user does not have access to them. |
DNC-30081 |
Improve date display for Japanese language |
Dates are now displayed in YY-MM-DD format for Japanese language |
DNC-30091 |
DecoPay, added note next to split payout transactions |
Transactions which are split across multiple payouts now display the correct partial payout amount and display a note. |
DNC-30096 |
Improved organization of user embroidery designs |
All user embroidery designs (already digitized EMB, and artwork pending digitizing) are now organized under the My Embroidery section. The My Designs tab will contain only print designs. |
DNC-30099 |
Fixed an issue with initial gift certificate email branding |
Initial gift certificate email is now correctly branded to the store selected when creating the certificate |
DNC-30100 |
Improved: Calendar page improvements |
Various improvements have been made to the calendar page including easier toggling between day/week/month views, a new expand all orders option, and persistent expanded order display. |
DNC-30106 |
Request quote page now sets country field by default |
Request a quote page sets the country field to the account's country by default. |
DNC-30109 |
Verify live shipping carrier connections |
System now requires shipping carrier connection to be successfully verified in order to choose desired shipping methods from the carrier. |
DNC-30117 |
Font management page split into tabs for each decoration process |
With the addition of UV Printing process, designer font management page needed to be split into tabs to remain manageable.
Click the image to enlarge.
DNC-30124 |
Improved handling of global subdomain SSL failures |
Error message will now be displayed when global subdomain SSL renewal fails allowing re-attempt of the renewal. |
DNC-30125 |
Improve order's linked supplier purchase order list |
Supplier purchase orders are no longer included in the list of POs linked to an order if they no longer contain items for the order or have been deleted/merged. |
DNC-30126 |
Fixed an issue with imported customers not being indexed for search |
Fixed an issue where customers imported without a first and last name would not be returned in search results. |
DNC-30127 |
Fixed issue preventing newsletter field from being enabled by default |
Newsletter signup field can now successfully be set to be enabled by default |
DNC-30128 |
Fixed an issue causing incomplete monthly account statements |
Account statements have improved error handling preventing issue where some customers wouldn’t receive an account statement. |
DNC-30129 |
New Website Pages editor placeholders |
Website Pages editor has two new placeholders to output the site's domain: FC.PRIMARY_DOMAIN and STORE.PRIMARY_DOMAIN |
DNC-30130 |
Fixed conflict with HTML code in blank product descriptions |
Fixed a conflict that would break the font-end designer when a blank product contained HTML code in its product description. |
DNC-30131 |
Fixed an issue preventing redirect from deleted category URLs |
URLs for deleted categories can now be redirected using 404 redirects |
DNC-30136 |
NEW: UV Printing decoration process added |
A new decoration process labeled UV Printing has been added. Functionally works the same as other standard print processes.
Click the image to enlarge.
DNC-30139 |
Gift card revenue excluded from orders graph report |
Gift card revenue now excluded from order graph report to avoid duplicate reporting between the gift certificate sale and the gift certificate usage. |
DNC-30141 |
Custom code snippets now default tab for HTML layouts |
Custom code snippets tab is now the default tab for HTML layouts as its functionality should cover the majority of use cases for adding snippets like trackers, site ownership verifications, chat, etc.
Click the image to enlarge.
DNC-30142 |
Admin Save & Continue action now returns to the previously selected tab |
Admin Save & Continue action has been improved to return to the same tab where the action was performed. This makes it easier to pick up where you left off. |
DNC-30143 |
New Admin issues now sorted at the top |
Admin issues list is now sorted to show newest issues at the top. Issues will now auto-archive after 3 months. |
Production status improvements |
A few improvements to production statuses have been added including: ability to set statuses as available specifically for blank products. Ability to unset production status (set to None). As well as the ability to start items with no production status assigned. |
DNC-30152 |
New template variable for order artwork requirement |
New template variable has been added to check an orders artwork approval requirement order.requires_artwork_approval? |
DNC-30154 |
Important notes popup displayed when viewing a customer record |
A popup with all important notes, like the one that shows when creating quotes/orders now displays when viewing a record under the Customers section in Business Hub. |
DNC-30155 |
New: Ability to add line item production notes via Business Hub |
You can now add internal item production notes from the edit order screen and the artwork job screen. Line item notes carry forward when the line item is re-ordered. |
DNC-30159 |
Job Name column added to company orders list |
Company orders list now includes job name column
Click the image to enlarge.
DNC-30166 |
600x600 sized sales images in external cart XML feed |
Sales image URLs from the external cart XML data feed can now use size class 12 to output in 600x600 resolution |
DNC-30173 |
Fixed store design category display |
Fixed an issue causing store design categories to occasionally not display in the designer. |
DNC-30175 |
Improvement: Include card details on payment thank you email (DecoPay) |
Payment thank you email now includes the last 4 digits of the payment card for payments processed via DecoPay |
DNC-30176 |
Fixed internal page links now update when a page is renamed |
Internal links to a custom page will now automatically update when a page is renamed |
DNC-30180 |
Ability to customize search results page listing |
Search results page is now fully customizable similar to other listing widgets.
Click the image to enlarge.
DNC-30186 |
Improvement: Display tax notice independently of taxes showing in listing prices |
Tax notice now displays whenever notice text has been set, regardless of taxes being included in listing prices. |
DNC-30188 |
Fixed issue causing incorrect prices on listings placed inside the footer |
Resolved an issue that could cause incorrect prices to appear on listing widgets placed outside the main body area. |
DNC-30198 |
NEW: File upload field added to the generic form widget |
A file upload field is now available for the generic form widget. Form submission notifications include a download link to access uploaded files. |
DNC-30206 |
DecoPay cleared status filter added to transaction list |
New cleared filter in transactions list now allows you to identify orders based on whether the payment has cleared and is eligible for payout |
Ability to set taxes included in listings at the store level |
Taxes to include in listing prices and tax notice can now be overridden at the store level under Administration > Tax Settings.
DNC-30221 |
Smart-select color rules for manually added supplier products |
Manually added supplier product/supplier product copies now have the option to apply SmartSelect color rules. |
DNC-30234 |
Video widget now recognizes YouTube shorts URLs |
Video widget now recognizes YouTube shorts URLs. A new 9:16 vertical aspect ratio option has also been added. |
DNC-30267 |
Fixed issue with area-based decoration pricing in Business Hub |
Fixed an issue causing certain area-based price tables to not update prices when design size was changed. |
DNC-30284 |
Fixed resetting purchase order numbering |
Fixed an issue preventing purchase order number sequence from being reset |
DNC-30285 |
Fixed column sorting on batch store and campaign store order lists |
Column sorting on batch store and campaign store order lists no longer gets reset, allowing easier filtering of orders. |
DNC-30304 |
Fixed an issue with incorrect brand image on product listings |
Product listings now display the correct brand image when a catalog product's assigned brand has been changed. |
DNC-30312 |
Fixed custom fields when importing customers |
Fixed an issue causing custom field values to not get set when importing customers via CSV |
Order credits column added to export order report |
Export order report has a new available column to output credits applied to an order.
Great Progress !!
This release has messed up the tax on sites where you have prices shown included. It isn't adding vat to prices and therefore isn't charging the customer vat. This happened on a few products in the last update, but this new update is affecting all products on one of my sites.
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