External Shopping Cart Integration API



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    Phil ET

    4. Click Add now on the External Cart API app.

    This does not exist under the website tools.

    Under the website tools only these below available (any help? how to enable

    External Shopping Cart Integration)

    App Name Description Price  
      Norton Websafe Norton Safe Web provides confidence to you and your users. Free  
      Embed External Websites Embed content from an external website on you DecoNetwork website such as blogs. Free  
      MailChimp Integration Online email marketing solution to manage contacts, send emails and track results.
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    Cristofer Cruz

    Hi Phil, APIs are available on the Enterprise plan only, whereas you are on the Premium.

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    Phil ET

    That sucks as deconetwork cart is really poorly made, it is 2020 and deco still does not accept Apple Pay/Amazon Pay.

    I am using deco network over 3 years as of now (before was using inksoft) over the 3 years deco did not make any solid improvements, good features or required updates but joke features and updates and just for a API you want us to pay $400 a month and $4K licensee fee is a joke tbh.

    In the forums top 100 ideas waiting more than 6 years and some shows "accepted" and still no updates on those ideas.

    I am really considering leaving deco network as it is clear that deco network trying to get as much money possible from us and do not make any solid improvements. I also want to tell that for new customers you do discounts/deals/coupons but for a old users like us for an upgrade there is no deal at all. ( We were in business+ plan last year and had to pay full license fee to upgrade to Premium while a new customer paid $300 to $500 less than us)

    Truly disappointed




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    Cristofer Cruz

    Appreciate the feedback Phil. This external cart integration wouldn't resolve your concerns with the checkout process as it would create a whole separate burden for you of creating your DecoNetwork products in an external ecommerce platform. The purpose of this integration provide a way to those already selling on an external ecommerce system to offer customized goods through the DecoNetwork designer.

    We're always making improvements to the system and certainly the ideas page is one place for you to share feedback on what areas of the system you would like to see improved. As we continue to implement ideas many of them off the top 100 requested list, newer ideas are flowing into the list for consideration.

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    Swetang Desai

    Is there a video explaining the procedure of integrating and ways to check the integration done properly. For an affiliate store, if they activate external cart and integrate their external cart, how the commission gets calculated? does the commission gets allocated as it should be?



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