DNC-23112 |
Improved: Extended Decoration Detail Summary |
When viewing an order in Business Hub, we have added a decoration detail summary on hover for the decoration price field. This allows the user to gain detailed understanding of how the price has been calculated without having to edit the order.

Click the image to enlarge.
DNC-23107 |
Improved: Production Status Enhancements |
Based on user feedback, we have enhanced custom production statuses to deliver more value.
DNC-22506 |
Improved: Added Inventory Pull Sheets |
We have added an Inventory Pull sheet that can be generated against an order. This pull sheet lists the inventory that has been pulled from stock for that order. This pull sheet can be generated from the Production tab when viewing an order. The Pull sheet is a new Template that can be edited.

Click the image to enlarge.
DNC-23076 |
Improved: Added Stock location to inventory |
Added a stock location field to Inventory. Each SKU now has a location field. If a SKU has a location then it will appear on the Order page in Business Hub on the Production tab when clicking and opening the popup for the Ordered or Received column. The SKU location has also been added to both versions of the Production Worksheet PDF and to the PO Stock sheet. There are 4 ways to maintain inventory and all 4 have been changed to accommodate the new Location field.
- Maintaining SKUs on the SKU tab of the blank product edit page
- Bulk export and import of inventory from the blank products list page
- Inventory page in Business Hub
- Inventory API
DNC-23098 |
Improved: Store owners should get an email notification when the FC has sent them a notice. |
Added a checkbox “Send message to store owner's email”, (ticked on by default), which will send an email to the store owner containing the title/message written by the Fulfillment Center. |
DNC-23106 |
Improved: CC field for Email Payment Request |
Added the CC field for email payment request. |
DNC-22980 |
Improved: Notify customers of saved layouts removed due to inactivity |
Added a new email template named “Remove saved layouts warning” which can be customized by the FC. Users who have not logged in 50 days will receive an email saying that in 10 days their saved layouts will be removed due to inactivity, giving them a chance to log in and keep their saved layouts if they want. 10 days later (60 days without login), the cleanup will occur. This gives Fulfillment Centers a great chance to communicate with customers not logging back into their site. The email is a templated email the Fulfillment Center can edit. |
DNC-15739 |
Improved: Added default embroidery stitch count setting |
Added a setting allowing you to specify the default embroidery stitch count. |
DNC-23128 |
Improved: Global search in Business Hub should include job name |
Added Job name to Search index within Business Hub. |
DNC-23161 |
Improved: Copying order improved to retain overridden line item prices |
Copying an order or quote now retains line item overridden prices. |
DNC-23053 |
Improved: Option to disable PayPal commission payments |
Ticking it OFF will not attempt to do automatic monthly commission payouts for the Fulfillment Center and will not send the notification. |
DNC-23010 |
Improved: Get tax names via order management API |
Added "tax_names" as a comma-separated string to the order API at both the order level and the line item level. |
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