DecoNetwork provides a straightforward method to export your customer data into a CSV file whenever needed. This Customers CSV file serves multiple purposes, making it a versatile tool for managing and utilizing customer information effectively. Whether you intend to integrate this data with other systems like email marketing platforms or accounting applications, analyze customer metrics, or simply make bulk edits to customer records, exporting via CSV from the Customers page in Business Hub facilitates these tasks seamlessly. This tutorial will walk you through the step-by-step process of exporting your customer data, empowering you to leverage it efficiently across various aspects of your business operations.
You can export customer data from the Customers page in Business Hub.
- You must have Administrator and/or Sales Manager permission to use this feature.
To export customers:
- Log into your DecoNetwork website.
- Browse to Business Hub > Customers.
- Click on Export Customer CSV.
The Exporting Customers progress popup is displayed while the file is being generated.
When the file is ready, the Download Customers popup is displayed.
- Click on the "Download" link.
Your browser's download options popup will be displayed.
- Save the file to your computer.
The following information is included in the customer export:
- id: the account identification number of the customer account.
- login: the username for the customer account.
- email: the email address of the customer.
- salutation: the customer's title.
- firstname: the customer's first name.
- lastname: the customer's last name.
- date_added: the date on which the customer account was created.
- phone_number: the customer's phone number.
- address: the address where billing information will be sent to.
- city: the city where billing information will be sent to.
- state: the state where billing information will be sent to.
- country: the country where billing information will be sent to.
- zip: the post/zip code where billing information will be sent to.
- company: the company where the billing information will be sent to.
- use_separate_shipping: an indication of whether a separate shipping address will be used.
- shipping_saluation: the title of the recipient.
- shipping_firstname: the first name of the shipping recipient.
- shipping_lastname: the last name of the shipping recipient.
- shipping_phone_number: the phone number of the shipping recipient.
- shipping_address: the address where orders will be delivered.
- shipping_city: the city where orders will be delivered.
- shipping_state: the state where orders will be delivered.
- shipping_country: the country where orders will be delivered.
- shipping_zip: the post/zip code where orders will be delivered.
- shipping_company: the name of the company where orders will be delivered.
- credit_allowance: the total amount of credit allocated to the customer for making website purchases.
- credit_used: the amount of store credit already used by the customer.
- credit_balance: The amount of store credit remaining of the credit allowance.
- reset_credit: when set to "true", "yes", or "1", will reset the customer's store credit used to $0. This will bring the customer's remaining credit back to the total credit allowance amount specified for the customer. The customer must be an account holder in order for the reset to occur.
- discount: the percentage discount that is applied to each order the customer places.
- credit_balance: the amount of unused store credit remaining of the total credit allowance.
- store_id: the identification number of the store the customer is registered under.
- store_domain: the URL of the store the customer is registered under.
- newsletter: the opt-in status of the customer for receiving marketing newsletters.
- order_count: the total number of orders the customer has placed.
- total_order_value: the total value of all orders the customer has placed.
- outstanding: The current amount owing on orders.
- tax_exempt: a true or false value indicating whether the customer is tax-exempt (true or false).
- is_account_holder: the account holder status of the customer (a value of "true", "yes", or "1" indicates an account holder. A value of "false", "no" or "0" indicates not an account holder).
- account_terms: the name of the account terms. If a value is specified matching a value defined under Admin > Settings > Customer Settings > Account terms, then the customer will be flagged as an account holder. A blank field signifies default terms if the is_account_holder value is true.
- [custom field]: any custom customer field that has been defined. These fields are set against the billing details. (E.g. If the custom field is "Preferred Store", the column header for the custom field against the billing details would be, "preferred_store").
- shipping_[custom field]: any custom customer field that has been defined, set against the shipping details. (E.g. If the custom field is "Preferred Store", the column header for the custom field against the shipping details would be, "shipping_preferred_store").
1 comment
It seems the export button to export customers has disappeared.
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