This page lets the Fulfillment Center manage the decorated product options that will be available for use by the store owner.
- You must have administrator access to use this feature
- This feature is only available on multi-store plans
To configure the decorated product option for a store:
- Log into your DecoNetwork Website.
- If you are the Fulfillment Center, browse to Admin > Websites.
Select Manage for the website you want to configure.
- Click Administration, then Decorated Products.
The Decorated Products settings will be displayed.
- Configure the settings as required.
- Default Decorated Product Price Rules
- Ignore minimum quantity rules by default for new decorated products: when this checkbox is ticked, minimum quantity rules will be ignored by default in this store for all new decorated products add to cart.
- Ignore screen setup fees by default for new decorated products: when this checkbox is ticked, screen setup fees will be ignored for all new decorated products by default in this store.
- Ignore quantity discounts by default for new decorated products: when this checkbox is ticked, quantity discounts will be ignored for all new decorated products by default in this store.
- Ignore blank product color price differences by default for new decorated products: when this checkbox is ticked, any blank product color price differences will be ignored by default for new decorated products. (This includes decoration price differences due to white/light/dark color pricing and price table with color type pricing). The pricing of the default color will be used.
- Store Owner Price Rule Permissions
Allow store owner account to change Admin level price rules: tick this checkbox to allow the store owner to override the pricing rules for their store.
- Allow store owner to set retail price below wholesale price on decorated products: when this checkbox is ticked, the store owner will have the option to set a retail price for a decorated product that is below the wholesale price of the product.
- Allow store owner to override commission on decorated products: when this checkbox is ticked, the store owner will have the option to override the default commission rate for a decorated product.
- Allow store owner to ignore minimum quantity rules on decorated products: when this checkbox is ticked, the store owner will have the option to configure a decorated product to ignore the minimum quantity rules set by the Fulfillment Center.
- Allow store owner to ignore screen setup fee on decorated products: when this checkbox is ticked, the store owner will have the option to configure a decorated product to exclude the screen setup fee set by the Fulfillment Center.
- Allow store owner to ignore quantity discounts for decoration processes and blank price breakdowns on decorated products: when this checkbox is ticked, the option to ignore any quantity discount based on decoration process price tables and blank product price breakdown will be available for decorated products.
- Allow store owner to ignore blank product color price differences on decorated products: when this checkbox is ticked, the option to ignore any blank color price differences will be available for decorated products. The price for all product colors will be calculated using the decorated product's default color. When the checkbox is unticked, the price will be calculated based on the blank product price of the selected color.
- Default Decorated Product Price Rules
- Click Save.
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