The Embed External Websites feature allows you to easily embed content from an external source, such as your blog, within your DecoNetwork website without the need for code. You simply specify the URL of the external content you want to display on your website and DecoNetwork will automatically embed the content. The content will appear on a page in your DecoNetwork website as if it were part of the site.
- You must have administrator access to use this feature
- This feature is only available on multi-store plans
- You must have the Embed External Websites app enabled
To enable the Embed External Websites App:
- Log into your DecoNetwork Website.
- If you are the Fulfillment Center, browse to Admin > + Apps Store.
- Scroll to the Website Tools section.
- Click Add now on the Embed External Websites app.
To embed an external website:
- Log into your DecoNetwork Website.
- Browse to Admin > Websites.
- Select Manage for the website you want to configure.
- Select Edit Website, then Website Pages.
- Click on the PAGES button in the Website Editor Toolbar.
- Click the Add Page button at the top of the Pages tab.
- Save or discard unsaved changes if prompted.
- Enter a name for the new page.
- Click OK.
- Click on the Advanced Settings link in the Page Settings Bar.
- From the Page status dropdown menu, select Embed External Website.
- In the External Site URL field, enter the full URL of your external website. e.g.
- In the Your Site URL field, enter the URL that the external website content will be accessible from on your site. e.g. "blog" for
- Make sure both Rewrite Links and Rewrite Javascript Links are ticked. This ensures links in your external embedded site work within your DecoNetwork site.
- You may use Content Rewriting Filters to modify the source of your external site before it gets embedded onto your DecoNetwork site. These filters can be specified as basic text find/replace or regular expressions by enabling the Rx field.
A common use case for these filters would be to remove a noindex/nofollow meta tag (<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow">) which we recommend adding to an external site you're embedding. Placing that tag on your external site would prevent it from being indexed by search engines at its original URL. You can then add a content rewriting filter to search for and remove that tag so the embedded version on DecoNetwork is eligible for indexing by search engines. - Click OK.
- Click on the Save button and then click on the Publish button at the right of the Page Settings Bar.
1 comment
This works great except that when your embedding something such as a blog from an external site the images do not load and remain blurred so that it gives an unprofessional feel to the site page.
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