Get better reporting!!




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    Luis Avitia (d)

    Agreed. Extremely basic.

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    Wes Barker

    Would like to see more and much better visual reports on screen as well, not just updated excel export options.

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    Customer Service

    Reporting is extremely basic, impossible to run analytics on the business to see where improvements can be made. There is nothing for wastage at all, very basic recording and no reporting. 

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    For example, we need how many screen prints we did last month/yr. Also, the amount of sales we did printing vs. apparel vs. embroidery. These options are all very crucial to see how our business is running. Now it just gives us total sales basically. Please push this to the front of the line! Thanks! 

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    David Foster

    I have to rely on external doubled keyed data to get information, how much profit I made, What is my margins, what inventory do I have, what is my best product / service sold. I don't want to keep making spreadsheets that's why i signed up for deco in the first place to help streamline my systems. 

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    Exactly! I love deco, its made a lot things better for us but reporting has definitely made it worse for us.

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  • DecoNetwork Team
    Cristofer Cruz

    This is the highest voted request currently yet it doesn't have much detail as to what kinds of reports you all would like to see added to the system. From the comments and feedback we receive through support I gather the following:

    • Inventory On-hand Report - Summary of inventory quantities on-hand and perhaps their 'price' to determine the overall value of on-hand inventory.
    • Decoration Process Report - Revenue by decoration process, number of orders taken per decoration process.
    • Product Sales Report - DecoNetwork already has a product sold report which shows a summary of blank products by quantity sold for a given date range essentially allowing you to see your best selling blank products. What improvements/changes are needed for this report to make it more useful?
    • Profit Report - This one needs more specifics as to what you expect to see profit on. DecoNetwork currently does not track cost of a few things like decoration processes, and extra charges like custom field surcharges, digitizing fees, and screen fees which makes profit reporting not currently possible. If tracking profit for all these is a requirement this will require first changing the system to start tracking cost on all these types of items.
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    - Inventory- Yes this is perfect! We would love the list to populate every item we have stock in and then we can do a search to find a specific item if needed.

    -Decoration Process Reporting- Our last system was fast manager and the sales from that system transferred into QuickBooks separated out. For example, if we had shirt with printing and embroidery, the shirts would go to apparel sales the printing would go to printing sales the embroidery would go to embroidery sales and the setups would go to setup sales. It was much more user friendly to be able to track by the end of the year ok we spent this much on apparel, and we sold this much so we could see each process and what our markups were. Deco is great I love a lot of the things it does for our business, but the number's part is the most important. The quantity of how many prints we did in a month would be very helpful as well.

    -Product sales report- Are you talking about the Dashboard sales? I would love to see this with the taxes removed or at least of the option to do that. 

    -Profit report- Is the least of my worries because if the above changes were made, I would rely on QuickBooks to show me my profit reports.

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    Todd Moore

    Just a suggestion - Can a report be exported with every data point in Deco?  For example, I export Orders and Banking reports every month and manipulate the data from several different reports.  It would be beneficial if all information were contained within one report.  Ultimately, just a massive "Data Dump" report, but users could manipulate the data however they choose. 

    Other Report Suggestions

    Accounts Receivable - A report which shows Oustanding Balance for each customer.  Additional information which would be helpful - Order Date, Total Order Amount, Payments Made, Outstanding Balance, Last Date of Contact (Email, telephone, etc.).  I know it can be sorted in Business Hub, but it would be nice to export into a .CSV.

    Waste Report - Ability to export a report which shows the Product, Quantity, and Cost of all items marked as Waste for a certain period (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly) 

    Ultimately, by allowing an overall "Data Dump" into a .CSV as requested above, we could analyze the data as needed for our business.  Instead of DecoNetwork trying to figure out which reports are best for All Users, allow All Users to export their data and use it as we see fit.  I hope this helps.  


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    Customer Service

    Todd all of these are great ideas. Either using a similar tick box selection option as there is now, or just one massive spreadsheet would do.


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    Shane Maher

    Cristofer, if we could generate a repost that gives out revenue by decoration that would be helpful. I.E. how much we sold in embroidery decoration during x period, silk screening sold during x period. I do not want to have the clothing cost included in this. 

    Also if we could have the dates be a little more refined that would be great. I.E. fiscal year, last fascial year, 1st 1/4 and by month. 

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    Wes Barker

    All of these features would be extremely helpful.  For the Profit report, something as simple as a profit tab on each order screen to start would be great.  Here we could see the total cost of goods vs. the total income on the invoice minus tax.  Because there are a lot of suppliers that do not sync with deco, being prompted to input a C.O.G field whenever we create a free form line item would be helpful also.  That way there would always be a cost of good represented for every line item.  If we had this data tracked on each order, then we could have all that data pulled into a graphic report for various time periods etc.  I don't think it would necessarily even need to go into things like labor costs and all of those internal things, just gross profit would be great to start.  

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    Jedrek Martin

    Inventory Report - exactly as you mentioned, Cristofer Cruz but specifically with the cost of the product linked to the inventory numbers so we know the value of inventory on hand. This is important for our balance sheet and insurance purposes!

    Revenue by decoration process - Yes, please! It reveals the value of each part of our company, very important! ex. Could it have two parts? 1. Just the price we charged for screen printing in a year 2. Just the price of the garments that we decorated with screen printing in a year. 1 is more important, 2 would be a good upgrade!

    Revenue by customer per year - We want to know who our biggest customers are! We want to take the best care of them!

    Less worried about profit reports... that's our job to ensure we are making money, I would say that is much lower on the totem pole of priorities!

    Product Sales Report - What you have now is good enough. I would focus on everything else and come back to this in the future if needed. Looking back on trends is hardly useful as products are changing yearly!


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    Admin Gibson

    We have been doing double entry into our offset printing software. We are now at a sales level that we need deco to perform solo as it was sold to us to do. I did not realize that when it was advertised as being integrated with Quickbooks that it was integrated in such a simplistic form. At this point looks like we will have to run reports to determine breakdowns of processes to then manually enter into QB( I am hopeful those reports are available, but after reading the other reviews I am worried). If this is sold as business software it needs to perform as such. Breaking down sales is a MUST in business. I see this enhancement has been on the table for years. Get to work Deco your customers are depending on you.

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