Minimum Quantity required per Product on a webstore




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    Liliana Mattevi

    Hi, if I understood you question, you can set the minimum quantity per product in "Minimum quantity and bundles".

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    Aaron Layer

    Hi Irene.  As of now you can set a quantity minimum but it applies it per size not per product.  For instance I want to set the minimum quantity to 12 for one of my products.  I'd like the consumer to be able to order S-2,.M-5,L-3,XL-2 however when I set the minimum quantity to 12 it forces the consumer to order a minimum of 12 per size.   Maybe I'm missing something but I haven't been able to figure out how to set the minimum to 12 per product.  

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    Liliana Mattevi

    Hi Aaron, you're right! This option would be great :)

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    Jenny Creech

    YES!!! This would be great!  It is so confusing because it seems like you can do this but in reality it doesn't work correctly.

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    Stephanie Prentice (d)

    Aaron Layer From my experience, you definitely can, you just need to add all the sizes you want before you can change the quantities. An improvement to this function would definitely be helpful so that its a bit less confusing (like having all the sizes already shown in a table rather than needing to "add sizes") because me and my coworkers have experienced confusion about this as well

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