Revise Quote Option for Customers




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    Kristin Struttmann

    The option could also be called, "Request Revision"

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    Taylor Mountjoy

    This does happen on a frequent bases. What I have found is to find the rejected quote. Copy as a quote, then make the changes necessary and send a new link. The old link will still say rejected, so there is no way they will click on the wrong link. 

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    Michael Terry

    It would be particularly nice if they were able to view this in a screen much like the the quote screen we use to create it, where they can update or change artwork using the designer, add or remove size quantities, etc. 

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  • DecoNetwork Team
    Cristofer Cruz

    The latest platform update added the option to re-open a rejected quote, allowing you to send additional approval requests without having to convert to an order or copy as a new quote.

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