Different Volume Discount for each Contract Level.

Under Consideration



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    Mozi Lakhani

    Oh my God. This feature would be a lifesaver. I was getting ready to write a similar request and was very glad to see that someone already sees this as a needed feature.


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    Mozi Lakhani

    Had a discussion with Cris and looks like this feature is not on the road map so I suggested a simpler solution hoping that it might get implemented. The alternate solution is explained below


    How about something simpler, Add another option to only allow line order discounts, but disable total order discounts. Please see the attachment. Can you make this possible?

    In some cases, we want to offer a discount to the customer for the order of the total pieces(tee-shirts, sweatshirts, caps etc.), and in some cases, I only want to offer a discount to the line item only for example 100 tee-shirts will get 100 pieces discount and 24 sweatshirts will only get a 24-piece discount. Currently, this is not possible because I would have to go back and forth in the Volume discount setting and keep changing the discount option. With this feature, I will be able to do it on the fly in the business hub.

    The second reason is that it will help me write a quotation showing my customer prices for multiple qty breakdowns by adding the item with different qty on separate lines. 

    The feature I am requesting is already possible in Volume discount (see attachment). I am just asking to make it available in "contract price". I can't imagine why it would be so difficult if the code already exists

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