Tax inclusive of price.

Under Consideration



  • DecoNetwork Team
    Cristofer Cruz

    Printees - Leah can you provide some more details on what exactly you're requesting here? There isn't much detail to go off of.

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    Printees - Leah

    Right now Deconetwork adds tax onto prices instead of inclusive.

    If I need override/change certain prices inside Deconetwork I would need to calculate and deduct 15% tax and enter this amount into the price field.
    Is it possible to just enter a flat price into the price field and have the system include the tax amount?

    Example: Designing fee of $40
    Invoicing a customer, I would need to calculate deduct 15% of $40 ($34.78) enter this into my price field in order for the invoice total to show as $40.

    Is it possible to have the system calculate this for us if we were to enter the full cost ($40) amout into the price field?

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