Allow for Decoration Area to be assigned to Store Designs
Under ConsiderationAllow for the default decoration area to be assigned per Store Design. This could be accomplished by having check box/radio button selection from a list of all decoration areas. This list could also be prioritized for which one to assign first. The end result would be as follows.
I upload a Store Design that is sized and intended to be Left chest. On the Edit Store Design page one of the Options would be decoration area. Here the full expandable list of decoration areas would be defined. This selection would need to make sure only 1 decoration area per garment was selected. This would then be reflected on the front end as showing the logo on the correct decoration area for each of the products available on the store.
This method would require the same visual design in a larger size or decoration area to be defined accordingly, therefore showing multiple of the same logo on the Store Design front end, but named to indicate Left Chest, Full Front etc.
Ultimately I want a way for someone to choose a design, see it represented in a meaningful way for all available items, then select the item and purchase.
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