Customer can Represent more than One Company Multiple Accounts

Not planned



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    Lenee Hodson (d)

    I vote yes to Trina's proposal to allow Customers to be contacts for more than one Company. 


    Thank you, 


    Lenee Hodson


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    Teila Boston

    I agree. We come across this issue regularly.

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    Brian Kemp

    I am still having a problem where I have multiple contacts that represent more than one customer/company/organization and they use one email address. The system still does not allow me to add their same contact information. I cannot ask them to create another email address for each account. As my father always instilled in me, don't bitch - make change! I feel that many of us have this problem with a customer that represents more than one company as I have seen it before, just could not find in when I searched the future requests. To me, this is what my business strives for - having a happy customer that will use you for whatever business, club, organization that they belong to. Please add your 2 cents and vote for this much needed change.

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    Callum Wynn (d)

    Agreed. Just had my post archived as a thread already exists for this - from a year ago. Why haven't they changed it yet? 


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  • DecoNetwork Team
    Cristofer Cruz

    This functionality has not been considered because it's incompatible with existing integrations for accounting software like QuickBooks and Xero. Despite this request's high vote count, it is unlikely to be implemented any time soon.

    For licensees working with this type of customer who represents different companies, you should be able to work around this by creating a separate contact for your customer under each company they do work for. If you need to use the same email across multiple customer/contact records you can uncheck the option Customers must use a unique email when registering under Admin > Websites > Customer Options.

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    Wes Barker

    Cris, if quickbooks and xero syc is the problem, couldn't you just implement the feature and add a checkbox to select the default account you want it to use for accounting software synch?

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  • DecoNetwork Team
    Cristofer Cruz

    Wes Barker orders are tied to a specific customer record. You're suggesting sync orders from customer A - company X, customer B - company Y, customer C - company Z all into the same QuickBooks customer? I can already see the support tickets why are orders from company X going into company Z. Accounting sync really makes it so customer to company relationship must be kept 1:1

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    Wes Barker

    I see what you mean.  Could you just changed the UI of business hub so that it displays as though they are the same customer across mulitple companies to us users, but behind the scenes it is actually creating separate customer accounts for each company like it does now.  Then users could sort and see data the way they need to and the actual records could create and synch the way they need to now.  

    I realize it is probably not as easy as it sounds, haha.....but is it a possibility or do you see flaws with that?

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    Brian Stephenson

    we have customers who own a business and are part of that business record, but are also coaches/board members of other organizations
    If the business or organization is the account holder, the connected person is just allowed to purchase for them.

    So, when you make a quote, and ADD CUSTOMER, the name can show - and the company/group they are also associated with - 
    - we can then correctly pick the correct group, and that order can then be put in under customer A / company B

    this way they can be an individual, associated with company A, B etc when linked correctly



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