Checkout options configure the behavior of the checkout process, focusing primarily on the shipping options related to an order. These options are configured by a Fulfillment Center and set the default for all of its associated affiliate sites.
- You must be on a multi-store plan to access this feature
- You must have administrator access to use this feature
To Configure Checkout Options:
- Log into your DecoNetwork Website.
- Browse to Admin > Websites.
Select Checkout Options.
The checkout options will be shown in the main work area.
Order Ship By Date
Order Ship By Date sets a deadline for shipping as configured in the order.
You have the following options as to how the Order Ship by Date is handled:
- Don't Show: If this option is selected, the Ship by Date will not be shown at all.
- Show as Read Only Date: If this option is selected, the Ship by Date will be shown as read-only text on the Shipping options page (Step 2 of 4 of the checkout process).
- Show and Allow Customer to Change Date: If this option is selected, the Ship by Date will be shown as an editable field on the Shipping options page (Step 2 of 4 of the checkout process). The customer will be able to use the date picker to change the date by clicking on the calendar icon beside the field.
Be careful that your terms and conditions of sale reflect your Fulfillment Center capabilities and the options selected here. For example offering a full refund if not delivered on time, while allowing the customer to set that time frame, would not be wise.
Other Checkout Options
- Show Customer PO Number Field lets a customer assign their own purchase order number to an order for their own records. If this option is ticked, the Customer PO Number field will appear on the Shipping options page (Step 2 of 4 of the checkout process).
- Customer can only submit orders on account terms: when this checkbox is ticked, the payment step in the checkout process will only allow submitting orders on account terms.
When this setting is enabled, the payment page will load with the Submit on Account Terms option ticked and disabled. Payment methods will be hidden if a deposit is not required.
- Customer can only pay using in-store credit requires that all purchases are made against the customer's in-store credit. Store credit is set via the customer view in Business Hub.
If this option is ticked, the Payment step of the checkout process will indicate that account credit will be used to pay for goods. Enabling this option while not having any or enough store credit set will prevent purchases of any products. The customer will be informed of inadequate credit at the confirmation step of the checkout process.
- Skip Account Step if logged in will prevent a login dialog from appearing during the checkout process if the customer has already logged in.
- Show Job Name field lets you choose whether to allow the customer to edit the job name when placing an order in the storefront.
- Default Checkout Job Name lets you specify a default job name for website orders.
- Skip Shipping Step if only one available will remove the step in which the customer selects a shipping method from the checkout process if there is only one method available.
- Do not allow separate shipping details, if ticked, will take away the option for the customer to enter a separate shipping address that differs from their billing address.
If this option is un-ticked, the Separate shipping address checkbox will appear on the Address page (Step 1 of 4 of the checkout process).
- Show Captcha? toggles a Captcha security field in the payment screen for on-site payment gateways after a certain number of unsuccessful credit card processing attempts during checkout.
When this option is ticked, the settings to define the rules for when the Captcha security field should be displayed.
The first field lets you specify the number of credit card processing attempts and the second field lets you specify the number of hours within which these attempts occur before the Captcha field will be displayed.
The Captcha field will be displayed on the Payment page of the checkout process.
- Click Save once you have finished configuring the options.
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