The Abandoned Carts page lets you view abandoned carts detected in your online store(s), giving you the opportunity to convert abandoned carts into sales. You can check if follow-up emails have been sent and review the stage of the order process reached for each abandoned cart. Use this information to understand why visitors leave their carts and formulate the best incentive for visitors to complete their purchases.
- You must have Administrator and/or Sales Manager permission to use this feature.
To view abandoned carts:
- Log into your DecoNetwork website.
- Browse to Business Hub > Abandoned Carts.
You can search for particular abandoned cart records using the search fields directly below the column headings in the Abandoned Carts table.
- You can search for abandoned carts by order number (# field).
- You can search for abandoned carts by Customer and by Company.
- You can filter abandoned carts by Status.
- Failed Checkout: The cart was abandoned at the payment step of checkout and a failed payment attempt has been made. A follow-up email has not been sent to the customer.
- Abandoned Cart: The cart was abandoned after the visitor logged in and/or provided all the required billing details, but has not returned to complete the purchase after 5 hours. A follow-up email has not been sent to the customer.
- Customer Contacted: A follow-up email has been sent to the customer.
- You can filter abandoned carts by Order Progress (the stage of the order process reached before the customer exited the site)
- Added to cart: items were added to the Shopping Cart
- Cart View: customer viewed the Shopping Cart, but did not proceed to Checkout
- Address: customer viewed the Address step, but did not complete the form
- Address updated: customer successfully completed the Billing and Shipping Address form at the Address step
- Shipping: customer viewed the Shipping Options step
- Billing: customer viewed the Payment step, but did not complete the form
- Billing updated: customer successfully completed the Payment form
- Confirmation: customer viewed the Confirmation page, but did not proceed to complete the order
- Confirmed: customer confirmed the order, but for some reason, the payment failed to be processed
- You can filter abandoned carts by Value
Enter the minimum (From) and maximum (To) value range of the abandoned carts you are looking for and click okay.
- You can filter abandoned carts by Date Created
Select a specific time within which you want to find abandoned carts
- Select "Between:" to specify a custom date range.
- Click on the calendar icon in the From field, select a date using the Date Picker tool and then click OK when you have picked the desired date. Do the same for the To field.
- Click OK to apply the search.
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