DecoNetwork allows you to export a number of reports from the system allowing you to gain insights into your business achievements. You can export reports on your orders, purchase orders, and payments. The report that contains the most information is the orders report. This article shows you what data is included in the orders report.
Watch the following video for an explanation of the data that is included in order reports exported from DecoNetwork. See below for a written list.
The Export orders feature gives you the flexibility to customize the data based on a range of criteria. Orders can be exported based on the order status, i.e. you can choose to export orders only after they have been ordered, invoiced, or shipped.
Additionally, you can choose to export order reports in the form of a summary or you can choose to include order line items in the order reports. For each export method you choose, you can select what information is included. Below you can see the fields that you can choose to include in the reports. You can also opt to include additional line items in the line item export, such as shipping fees, rush order fees, coupon codes, and final total adjustments. These customization options allow you to adapt the exported data to your particular reporting and analysis needs.Order Summary Report
The following information can be included in the order summary export:
- Order Number: the unique identifier of the order.
- Order Type: identifies, where the order originated - Internet or Business Hub
- Status: the stage that the order has reached within the order processing workflow.
- Production Status: the stage that the order has reached within the production workflow, if applicable.
- Priority Order: indicates if the order has priority status.
- PO Number: the purchase order number provided by the customer, if specified.
- Supplier PO Number: the purchase order number from the supplier, if specified.
- Order Job Name: the name assigned to the order job.
- Sales Staff Account: the name of the team member responsible for the sale.
- Date Ordered: the date when the order was placed.
- Date Invoiced: the date when the order was invoiced.
- Date Shipped: the date when the order was shipped.
- Date Due: the due date for the order.
- Date Produced: the date when the order was produced.
- Date Scheduled: the date when the order is scheduled for production or shipment.
- Order Total: the total amount of the order including all items and charges.
- Shipping Total: the total shipping cost for the order.
- Tax Total: the total amount of taxes applied to the order.
- Tax Exempt: indicates if the order is tax-exempt.
- Rush Order Cost: additional cost for a rush order, if applicable.
- Coupon Discount: the discount amount applied to the order through a coupon.
- Coupon Discount including Tax: the tax-inclusive discount amount applied to the order through a coupon.
- Coupon: the coupon code used for the discount.
- Gift Certificate: the gift certificate code used for the order.
- Gift Certificate Value: the value of the gift certificate applied.
- Credits: any credits applied to the order.
- Final Discount: the final discount applied to the order.
- Amount Billed: the total amount billed for the order.
- Order Credits: the monetary value applied to an order, either as store credits, discounts, or refunds.
- Payment Due Date: the due date for payment.
- Payment Date: the date when payment was made.
- Payment Terms: the terms of payment for the order.
- Payment Method: the method used for payment.
- Affiliate Commission: the amount of commission paid to affiliates, if applicable.
- Referral Commission: the amount of commission paid for referrals, if applicable.
- Affiliate Transaction Fee: the transaction fee for affiliate sales, if applicable.
- My Store: the store associated with the order.
- Wholesale Price: the wholesale price for the order.
- Base Cost: the base cost of the products ordered, from the supplier.
- Site Id: the unique identifier for the site associated with the order.
- Site Name: the name of the site associated with the order.
- Site Address: the address of the site associated with the order.
- Store Group: the group to which the store belongs.
- Billing Id: the unique identifier for billing contact.
- Billing Salutation: the salutation for billing contact.
- Billing First Name: the first name of the billing contact.
- Billing Last Name: the last name of the billing contact.
- Billing Company: the company name for billing.
- Billing Email Address: the email address for the billing contact.
- Billing Address: the street address for billing.
- Billing City: the city specified for the billing address.
- Billing State: the state specified for the billing address.
- Billing Country: the country specified for the billing address.
- Billing Post Code: the post code specified for the billing address.
- Billing Phone Number: the phone number specified for the billing contact.
- Shipping Salutation: the salutation for shipping contact.
- Shipping First Name: the first name of the shipping contact.
- Shipping Last Name: the last name of the shipping contact.
- Shipping Company: the company name specified for shipping.
- Shipping Address: the street address for shipping.
- Shipping City: the city specified for the shipping address.
- Shipping State: the state specified for the shipping address.
- Shipping Country: the country specified for the shipping address.
- Shipping Post Code: the post code specified for the shipping address.
- Shipping Phone Number: the phone number specified for the shipping contact.
- Shipping Method: the method used for shipping.
- Weight Total: the total weight of the shipment.
- Tax Names (column per tax): the names of taxes applied to the order, with each tax having its own column.
- Custom Customer Fields (column per field): the custom fields defined for the customer, with each field having its own column.
Order Line Item Report
The following information can be included in the order item export:
- Order Number: the unique identifier of the order.
- Order Line Id: the unique identifier assigned to the order line item.
- Date Ordered: the date when the order was placed.
- Date Shipped: the date when the order line item was shipped.
- Date Due : the due date for the order line item.
- Date Produced: the date when the order line item was produced.
- Date Scheduled: the date when the order line item is scheduled for production or shipment.
- Product Name: the name of the product in the order line item.
- Product Code: the code of the product in the order line item.
- Category: the category of product to which the order line item belongs.
- Size: the size of the product in the order line item.
- Color the color of the product in the order line item.
- SKU: Stock Keeping Unit, the unique identifier for the product.
- GTIN: Global Trade Item Number, the unique identifier for the line item.
- SKU Qty: the quantity of the product associated with the SKU.
- Options: any additional options or customizations chosen for the line item.
- Line Qty: the quantity of the specific product ordered in the line item.
- Blank Product Price: the price of the blank product before any decoration or customization.
- Decoration Price: the price of decoration applied to the product.
- Decoration Process: the process used for decorating the product.
- Unit Price: the price per unit of the product, including any decorations or customizations.
- Line Total: the total cost for the line item, considering quantity, decoration, and any discounts.
- Discount: any discount applied to the line item.
- Tax : the total amount of taxes applied to the order line item.
- Tax Exempt : indicates if the order line item is tax-exempt.
- Order Total: the total cost of the entire order, including all line items and fees.
- Order Shipping Total: the total shipping cost for the entire order.
- Order Coupon Discount: the discount amount applied to the order through a coupon.
- Order Coupon: the coupon code used for the discount.
- PO Number : the purchase order number provided by the customer, if specified.
- Supplier PO Number : the purchase order number from the supplier, if specified.
- Supplier: the supplier associated with the product.
- Supplier Base Cost: the base cost of the product from the supplier.
- Production Staff Account: the member of the production team responsible for the line item.
- Production Status : the stage that the order has reached within the production workflow, if applicable.
- Order Job Name : the name assigned to the order job.
- Store Commission: commission earned by the store for selling the item, if applicable.
- Store Name : the store associated with the order.
- Store Url: the URL of the store associated with the order.
- Store Group : the group to which the store belongs.
- Company: the company of the customer who placed the order, if applicable.
- Billing Salutation: the salutation for billing contact.
- Billing First Name : the first name of the billing contact.
- Billing Last Name : the last name of the billing contact.
- Billing Email Address: the email address for the billing contact.
- Billing Address : the company name for billing.
- Billing City: the city specified for the billing address.
- Billing State: the state specified for the billing address.
- Billing Postcode/zip: the post code specified for the billing address.
- Billing Country: the country specified for the billing address.
- Billing Phone No. : the phone number specified for the billing contact.
- Shipping Salutation: the salutation for shipping contact.
- Shipping First Name: the first name of the shipping contact.
- Shipping Last Name: the last name of the shipping contact.
- Shipping Address: the street address for shipping.
- Shipping Address 2 (40 char limit): the additional details specified for the street address with a limit of 40 characters, if applicable.
- Shipping City: the city specified for the shipping address.
- Shipping State: the state specified for the shipping address.
- Shipping Postcode/zip: the post code specified for the shipping address.
- Shipping Country: the country specified for the shipping address.
- Shipping Phone No.: the phone number specified for the shipping contact.
- Shipping Company: the company name specified for shipping.
- Shipping Method: the method used for shipping.
- Weight Total: the total weight of the shipment.
- Design Name: the name of the design applied to the product.
- Design Price: the price of the design applied to the product, if applicable.
- Thumbnail Image URL: the URL of a thumbnail image representing the line item.
- Customer ID: the identifier of the customer associated with the order.
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