The Free Form Product Group lets you configure default settings for products that you define on the fly in Business Hub. Free Form Product Group settings are a subset of the settings available for system products. Configurable properties include product setup, taxes, sizing, production statuses, and purchasing workflow.
To Configure the Free Form Product Group:
- Log into your DecoNetwork Website.
- Browse to Admin > Products.
- Select Product Groups.
The main work area displays a list of existing Product Groups. The Free Form Product Group is highlighted in orange.
- Click Edit in the Free Form row to configure the Free Form Product Group.
The Free Form Product Group configuration page is displayed.
- Configure the Free Form Product Group settings.
- General
The General tab for the Free Form product group does not contain any of the setup options normally available for regular product groups.
- Taxes lets you configure the tax settings for the free form products. Click here for instructions on how to configure product group tax settings.
- Sizing lets you control what sizes are available for free form products when added in Business Hub. The sizes for the free form product group originate from the system size definitions.
View Audit Log
You can view the audit log for changes made to the free form product group sizing by clicking on the View Audit Log button.
Configuration options
Configuration options are exposed when you click on the blue config wheel.
- Field on by default toggles the size options as being on for free form products. Un-tick this checkbox to hide the size options for free form products.
- Use Custom Configuration unlocks the size table, allowing you to set the default size and choose the sizes that will be available for free form products when added in Business Hub.
Tick the checkbox in the "On" column for each size you want to be made available for free form products. Select the radio button in the "Default" column for the size you want to make the default size.
Additional options will become available when the Use Custom Configuration option is enabled.
- Allow multiple size selection: when this option is selected, a table of sizes is displayed, allowing the customer to enter the quantity of each size they would like to order.
- Only show multiple size selection: this option will be available when the "Allow multiple size selection" option is ticked.
- Size affects price will allow the size to affect the price in the form of a surcharge, and when enabled unlocks a further option:
- Price Depends on Color refers to the shade of the product - white/light/dark - and when enabled surcharges may be entered for each shade. When not enabled the surcharge is per size only.
- Price may be affected by $ or by % which sets the unit used to modify the surcharge, i.e. a flat rate or a percentage of the price.
- Additionally, if the price modifier is affected by %, then you must define what the surcharge is a percentage of - the Base price or the Decoration price.
- Price may be affected by $ or by % which sets the unit used to modify the surcharge, i.e. a flat rate or a percentage of the price.
- Price Depends on Color refers to the shade of the product - white/light/dark - and when enabled surcharges may be entered for each shade. When not enabled the surcharge is per size only.
- Allow size variants toggles the use of size variants if they are available. Examples of size variants are short, regular, and tall, which can apply to trousers. Size variants are configured in Admin>Products>Sizes. Once a variant is defined it may be added to the size table of a product.
- Allow size to be tax exempt enables the option to mark particular sizes as being tax exempt.
- Allow multiple size selection: when this option is selected, a table of sizes is displayed, allowing the customer to enter the quantity of each size they would like to order.
- Production Statuses lets you configure production statuses that can be used to manage the production of free form products.
By default, all system production statuses are available for use in the free form product group. System production statuses are defined under Settings > Production & Order Settings > Production Statuses. Click here for instructions on how to define system production statuses.
You can select the Specify Custom Production Statuses option to toggle each system production status on or off for this product group. The checkboxes will become enabled when the Specify Custom Production Statuses option is selected.
Un-tick the checkbox to make a status unavailable for free form products. Tick the checkbox to make the status available.
- Purchasing: lets you configure the purchasing workflow for the Free Form product group.
- Purchase Order Workflow lets you set the default workflow behavior for the free form products.
- Use default (default setting): use the setting defined under the default purchase order workflow settings (Admin > Settings > Purchase Order Settings). The current setting is indicated in brackets.
- Required: choose this setting if you want free form products to go into purchase ordering.
- Skip: choose this setting if you want free form products go skip purchase ordering.
- Purchase Order Workflow lets you set the default workflow behavior for the free form products.
- General
- When you are done, click Save.
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