You may wish to set which product is selected by default when the Online Designer is loaded on your website. The product that is selected when the Designer loads is the first product in your product list. Use the sort function to move the product you want as the default to the top of your product list.
- You must have administrator access to use this feature
Watch the following video for instructions on how to change the product that is selected by default when the Online Designer loads.
The following guide details the procedure for sorting products in your product list.
- Log into your DecoNetwork Website.
- Browse to Admin > Products.
The main work area shows your product list.
- Click on the Sort button.
The Sort screen will open which allows you to manually re-arrange the display order of your products.
The Show products in sub categories checkbox, when ticked, will show the products contained within all the sub-categories as well as the main category when a main category is selected. Leaving the Show products in sub categories checkbox ticked will allow you to sort the products globally across all categories. Un-ticking the Show products in sub categories checkbox will allow you to sort within each individual category.
- Use the arrow buttons to move a product up or down.
The arrow button with a line above will move a product to the beginning of the products list. The up arrow button will move a product up one place. The down arrow button will move a product down one place. The arrow button with a line below will move a product to the end of the products list. Clicking and holding down the button with both up and down arrows allows you to drag a product to a different position in the list.
- Click Save when you are done sorting.
1 comment
the actual answer is at about 31:45, after about 2 minutes of bumbling around.
Could you type out the how-to instructions to make it a bit easier to understand?
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