The Production Calendar is a visual planning tool that lets you view what jobs are due and also lets you interactively schedule your production work on the fly. You can drag and drop orders to change the job priority within a particular day or to change the production date, creating a real-time visual representation of your production schedule.
- Only users with Administrator, Production Manager, or Production Team roles can access the Production Calendar.
- Only users with Administrator or Production Manager roles can schedule jobs in the Production Calendar.
In this article, you will learn how...
- To access the Production Calendar
- To change calendar views
- To change calendar day/week/month
- To assign a job
- To schedule jobs
- To find jobs
To access the Production Calendar
- Log into your DecoNetwork website.
- Browse to Business Hub > Production Calendar.
The production Calendar screen will be displayed with the Month View selected by default.
To change calendar views
You can change the calendar view between day, week, and month. To change the view, click on the Calendar View dropdown box and select the desired view from the dropdown list.
Day View
In Day View, all jobs are shown in collapsed view by default. The following details are shown for each job in collapsed view; order number, company name (if it exists), otherwise customer name, total quantity, and processes used.
You can tick the Expand All Orders checkbox in the top bar to expand all orders to show more details. The following details are shown for each job in expanded view; order number company name (if it exists), otherwise customer name, production status (color-coded, if configured), ship by date, total quantity, and processes used.
A "show"/"hide" toggle button allows each job to be collapsed/expanded individually to hide/show additional information.
Week View
In Week View, the following details are shown for each job; order number, company name (if it exists), otherwise customer name, total quantity, production status (color-coded, if configured), ship by date, and processes used.
A "show"/"hide" toggle button allows each job to be expanded to reveal the line item information and contracted to hide the line item information.
Month View
In Month View, the details that are shown for each job will depend on the available space. At a minimum, order number, abbreviations for processes used, and total quantity are shown. More details are revealed as the screen size increases, including the order number, company name (if it exists), otherwise customer name, and production status color code (if configured).
If the number of jobs scheduled within a date does not fit within the available area for a date, an "x more" icon is shown, allowing you to see the number of jobs not able to be displayed.
All jobs for the selected day will be shown with full details in the panel at the right.
You can hover your mouse pointer over each job in the calendar to show the complete details.
As with Week View, you can use the "show"/"hide" toggle button to expand and contract job listings in the panel at the right to reveal and hide the line item information.
To change calendar day/week/month
Use the arrows at the top of the Calendar View tab to scroll backward or forward in the calendar. Click on the Today button to return to the current day/week/month that today's date falls on.
To assign a job
When a job is in expanded mode (in either Week View or Month View), you can assign a job to a team member by clicking on the button at the bottom of the job listing. The button will be labeled "Unassigned" if a team member has not been assigned yet, otherwise, the button will be labeled with the assigned team member's name.
Clicking on the button will display the Production Assign popup, allowing you to select a team member to assign the job to.
To schedule jobs
By default, jobs will be scheduled according to the Default production schedule setting under Admin > Settings > Production & Order Settings > Production & Order Pending Times. (See the Production and Order Pending Times help article for instructions).
By default, jobs will be scheduled according to the order ship-by date determined by your system settings.
Using the Production Calendar, any order can be dragged and dropped to re-assign its job sequence within a date. You can also drag and drop an order to a different date to re-assign the job schedule date.
You can also reschedule a job by clicking on the cog icon on an order and clicking on the reschedule popup button that appears. A popup will be displayed allowing you to choose today as the rescheduled date or to select a specific date using a date picker.
To find jobs
Click in the Search field and start typing your search term to find jobs. The calendar will be updated live as you type each character to display only orders containing the matching term.
You can use the filter to select certain values for a range of attributes for which you want orders to be filtered - Status, Production Status, Others (which includes expected delivery flags), Processes, Production Staff, and Source. Under Processes, you can choose to include freeform and non-decorated production items when filtering by decoration process.
You can use the filter to select certain values for a range of attributes for which you want orders to be filtered - Status, Processes, Others (which includes expected delivery flags), Production Staff, Production Mode (choose if you want to see batch orders and normal orders in the Production Calendar), and Source (choose if you want to see orders placed through Business Hub and if you want to see orders placed through the Internet, i.e. storefront).
As you tick each value, jobs not meeting the selected value will be hidden and only the ones with meeting value will be displayed. Filter results will also be updated live as you make your selections.
Overdue Orders
If there are orders that have not been completed by their due dates, they will be highlighted in red.
The total number of overdue orders will be shown at the top of the calendar beside the Month.
The total number of overdue orders will also be shown for each day above the date in Week View and at the top of the jobs list for the selected day in the panel at the right in Month View.
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