A product's pricing model affects the final cost of the product for the store that sells it (their wholesale price), as well as the end-consumer. Typically you should set your pricing model in such a way that the rules for pricing work for as many products as possible as this will cut down the overhead of manually tweaking prices, a concern to be managed when you have many hundreds of products and your supplier raises prices. This is managed by configuring product groups, which lets you define default pricing and other settings for groups of product types. (See the article, Product Groups, for more information). However, for whatever reason, you may decide that the pricing of a particular product needs to be adjusted, and the product pricing page in the product configuration area lets you do this.
- You must have administrator access to use this feature
- Understanding of the DecoNetwork Concepts: Pricing, Markups, and Commissions is essential. Please read the help article, "How Pricing and Commission Works"
To adjust the price settings of an individual product:
- Log into your DecoNetwork Website.
- Browse to Admin > Products.
- Select a product to configure by either:
- Clicking on the product code.
- Clicking on the product name.
- Clicking on the Manage button beside the product you want to configure, then selecting Edit Product.
The product properties will be shown in the main work area, with a menu at the left to select property categories. General will be selected by default.
- Select Pricing from the product properties menu.
The main work area contains the configuration options for pricing.
- Configure the settings as required.
Contract Price Level (Premium & Enterprise Levels Only)
Contract price level settings will be available if you have enabled the Contract Price Levels app. Contract price levels are the different tiers of selling prices that you offer your affiliate stores and customers. The levels are defined and managed via Admin > Products > Contract Price Levels. (See the Contract Price Levels help article for instructions). All levels that you have defined will appear here. This section allows you to switch between the different price levels to configure the product pricing of each level.
To configure the product pricing of a contract price level, select its corresponding radio button.
Once you've finished setting the product prices for the contract price levels, you can assign them to stores and customers. For instructions on assigning a contract price level to a store, please consult the "Store Contract Price Level" help article. To assign a contract price level to a customer, refer to the "Edit Customer Account Details" help article.
Default Pricing
Default pricing sets the price of the blank product by marking up your suppliers' cost and adding to that the fees for decoration to calculate the recommended retail price of the product. Remember, you will be offering a commission for the sale of this product, based on its RRP. (This consideration does not apply if you only run affiliate stores that are operated by yourself.)
This information is presented in the Price Breakdown table and can be modified wherever the blue configuration wheel appears. If a configuration option you see listed below does not appear, it will be because an option prior to the one you want to use is mutually exclusive to using it. For example, using the option to calculate a Blank Product Price using Supplier Base Cost + Mark-up means that you cannot also specify the RRP of a product on a per-SKU basis.
View Cost
The View Cost link displays the SKU pricing of the product from the supplier. These prices are not editable. The type of supplier pricing (piece, dozen, case) is factored in.
Mark-up displays the default supplier markup being applied to products. The default is set at Admin > Products > Supplier Product Markup. Clicking the blue config wheel changes the supplier markup for this product only.
Blank Product Price
Blank Product Price is by default the Supplier Base Cost + Mark-up. You may, however, decide to change this to another amount to suit your needs. Be careful here - it is possible to set products to a price at which you ultimately make a loss on sale!
To change the Blank Product Price, click the blue wheel and select Specify a blank product price.
You now have the choice of pricing model to use:
- Use a Single Price;
- Use a different product price per color type; or
- Use SKU Pricing.
Use a Single Price
Use a Single Price, which will be applied to all sizes and colors of the product, can be set next to Add Breakdown.
The Add Breakdown link lets you define price breakdowns based on volume.
Add Price / Quantity Level adds a new row to the breakdown table. Each row lets you set the quantity levels and price per unit for the volumes purchased. Once the breakdown is configured, the Price Breakdown table will be reflected to show your new pricing.
Use a different product price per color type
If you select Use a different product price per color type, the price of a blank product of each color type (light/white/dark) must be set. Additionally, if extra price breakdowns are set they must be set for each breakdown too.
All prices for all color types can be set on the Add Breakdown page.
Prices can also be set separately for each color type by selecting the color type at the top of the Default Pricing box.
Use SKU Pricing
The final Blank Product Price option is to Use SKU Pricing, which lets you set each size and color combination price individually.
Decoration Price
Decoration Price is the charge to decorate the product using the decoration processes that the product may use. The processes the product can use are set in the decoration areas tab. By default, a product will use simple pricing, which inherits all pricing settings from the master decoration pricing page. This page is found under Admin > Decoration Processes by looking at the pricing structure for the chosen process. By clicking the blue config wheel next to the decoration processes available to the product, you may edit the decoration pricing model being used.
To make changes select Use custom decoration pricing (Advanced), which reveals an Edit Price link next to the decoration processes. Clicking this will open up the Decoration pricing window.
The Decoration pricing window displays a table showing the present price settings for each valid decoration process. By un-ticking Use Default Pricing, you can edit the pricing of each of the decoration processes.
Turning on Use Advanced Pricing expands the table to show price settings for each decoration area on the product, for each decoration process that the area supports.
Show Store Pricing
The Show Store Pricing feature is available for Fulfillment Centers running an affiliate network. The Show Store Pricing link is a toggle that lets you show or hide how the pricing will apply to a particular store.
Clicking on the Show Store Pricing link will expand the Default Pricing table to show a breakdown of commission, wholesale price, markup, rounding, and taxes that apply to a store. The Store Retail Price (and any tax applied) will be the price that customers will be charged if they order and custom decorate the product on the store's front-end site.
By default, the pricing for the Fulfillment Center's primary store will be shown. Other stores can be selected via the Select Store link.
Click on the Hide Store Pricing link to hide the store pricing.
Volume Discount
The Discount Table drop-down lets you select which Volume discount table, if any, will apply to this product. See the help article on Volume Discounts for more information.
Your options are to apply:
- A Default Discount (if one is specified);
- No discounts (which would override a default discount); or
- A custom discount (which would also override a default discount).
Tax Exempt
Ticking the Tax Exempt checkbox will not apply tax to this product.
- Repeat step 5 for each pricing level you wish to configure.
- Click Save or Save and Continue when done.
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