In DecoNetwork, every product has a regular selling price set for retail customers, known as the Retail price. Additionally, you can establish alternate selling prices called contract price levels for each product. These contract price levels enable you to offer different pricing tiers to various affiliate stores and customers.
The Contract Price Levels page enables you to create and manage these different pricing tiers. Once you create a new pricing level, you can configure its pricing. By default, the cost for a contract price level is determined by the Supplier Product Markup and Decoration Pricing settings, but you can customize these costs as needed. Decoration pricing for contract price levels is set via Admin > Decoration Processes > Decoration Pricing. For instructions, refer to the Decoration Pricing help article. Product costs are defined at the product level on the Pricing page. For details, see the Product Pricing help article.
You can also set costs for a contract price level at the Product Group level, allowing you to configure default prices and settings for groups of product types, reducing the need to adjust prices for individual products manually. Refer to the Product Groups help article for more information.
After defining a contract price level, you can assign it to stores and customers. For guidance on assigning a contract price level to a store, see the Store Contract Price Level help article. To assign a contract price level to a customer, refer to the Edit customer account details help article.
Please note that the contract price level assigned to a store will override the one assigned to a product group, and the contract price level assigned to a customer will override the one assigned to a store.
- You must have administrator access to use this feature
- You must be on the Premium or Enterprise plan to access this feature
- The Contract Price Levels app must be enabled.
To create a contract price level:
- Log into your DecoNetwork Website.
- Browse to Admin > Products.
- Click on Contract Price Levels.
The Contract Price Levels page is displayed, listing the pre-defined contract price levels.
- Click on the Add Contract Price Level button.
The Edit Contract Price Level page is displayed.
- Enter a Name for the contract price level.
- Choose whether you want volume discounts to apply for this contract price level. Volume discounts are configured via Admin > Products > Volume Discounts. See the article Volume Discounts for more information about the volume discounts feature.
Leave the Allow Volume Discounts checkbox unticked if you want to ignore volume discounts for this price level. This prevents further discounts if the price group is already heavily discounted.
Tick the Allow Volume Discounts checkbox if you want to allow volume discounts to apply for this price level.
- Click Save.
The new contract price level is added to the list. Once added you can define the decoration and product costs for the contract price level. See the Decoration Pricing help article for instructions on how to configure the decoration pricing for contract price levels. See the Product Pricing help article for instructions on how to configure the product costs for the pricing levels.
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