The Production List page in Business Hub lists all order items, grouped according to the state of production the items are in; Not Ready for Production, Awaiting Production, and Production Complete. You can also view all order line items by clicking on the All tab.
Orders automatically flow through to production when the payment conditions, artwork, and stock requirements are met. Line items from orders are displayed in a queue that you can easily sort and use to plan your production schedule. You can sort jobs by due date, status, decoration process, quantity, and many more attributes.
You can set production block-out dates so that production is not scheduled during your production downtimes. Click here for instructions on how to set block-out dates.
Only users with Administrator, Production Manager, or Production Team roles can access the Production List page.
In this article
- Production List Actions
- Bulk Process Items
- Hide Shipped Line Items
- View Production Item
- To Customize the Fields Displayed for Your Production Items
- Alert Icons
- Sorting Production Items
- Searching for Production Items
Production List Actions
You can perform several actions on one or more selected production list items using the Action menu.
You can process items by setting the production status and marking them as production complete.
Administrators and Production managers can assign jobs to production team members. When team members log in they can see only the production items allocated to them.
You can download worksheets for production items individually or as a combined worksheet.
Below the Actions list, you can see a summary of the orders not in production listed by status, e.g. "awaiting PO", or "awaiting artwork".
Bulk Process Items
The production list allows you to manage your production jobs by applying actions in bulk or you can select a production item to view and process it individually. You can perform the following bulk actions to production items; mark as production complete, assign items, set production status, and download worksheets.
To process production items in bulk:
- Tick the checkboxes of the production items you want to process in bulk.
- Click on the action that you want to apply to the selected items from the Actions menu at the left of the page.
- Mark as production complete - This action will only be enabled if one or more of the selected items are ready for production.
- Assign Selected items - When this action is selected, a list of team members will be displayed in a popup for you to select from.
- Set Production Status - When this action is selected, a list of production statuses will be displayed in a popup for you to select from. Only statuses applicable to all selected items will be available.
You can unset the status of an item by selecting none from the status list.
- Download selected worksheets - When this action is selected, a download options popup will be displayed.
- Download worksheets and graphics as individual files: will download each graphic as an individual file and each production item as a separate PDF (all compressed into a zip file).
- Download worksheets as one pdf: will consolidate all production items into a single PDF file.
- Set Production Date: will display a Reschedule Job popup, allowing you to choose today as the rescheduled date for the selected items or to select a specific date using a date picker.
Hide Shipped Line Items
By default, the list in the Awaiting Production tab on the Production page shows items with the "Awaiting production" status. This status includes items that are awaiting shipping or have already been shipped, but belong to orders where there are items that are still awaiting production. You can filter the list to hide the awaiting shipping/shipped items and show only items that are awaiting production. The following tutorial shows you how.
To hide shipped line items on the Production page:
- Browse to the Production page.
- Click on the Awaiting Production tab.
- Select Awaiting Production Only from the Status dropdown list.
- Click Search.
View Production Item
Clicking on the view link of a production item will open the production item in the main display area. When you view a production item, you can see all the information necessary to process the item, including the product details, the history of all actions performed on the job, the order details, a mockup of the decorated product, and the design specifications. You can also change the status of the job item, download production files, download or print the production worksheet, and process the job by marking it as complete or partially complete.
To Customize the Fields Displayed for Your Production Items:
You can customize the information displayed in the production items list by choosing which fields you want to be shown in the table.
- Click on the gear icon in the last cell of the header row.
The table of order fields is displayed.
- Tick the checkboxes for the fields you want to be displayed and un-tick the checkboxes for the fields you do not want to be displayed.
- Preview: the thumbnail image of the product to be produced.
- Order #: the number of the order that the production item is a part of.
- Downloaded: identifies whether the worksheet for the production item has been downloaded. With this column enabled, the production team member can easily identify which items still require worksheets to be printed by selecting "no" from the column filter.
- Priority Order: identifies whether a production item is part of an order that is flagged as a priority order.
- Source: identifies whether the production item is part of an order that originated from Business Hub or an Internet sale.
- Item #: the identification number of the production item.
- Job Name: the title specified for the order that the production item is part of.
- Customer PO: the purchase order number provided by the customer for the order that the production item is part of, if specified.
- Supplier PO Number: the ID number of the purchase order sent to the supplier for goods required to produce the production item.
- Due Date: the date on which the production item is due for completion.
- Order Date: the date on which the production item was ordered.
- Schedule Date: the date on which the production of the item is scheduled to begin.
- Produced Date: the date on which the item was marked as production complete.
- Customer: the full name of the customer.
- Company: the customer's company name, specified for billing, if it has been provided.
- Status: the stage that the production item has reached within the order processing workflow.
- Production Status: the stage that the production item has reached within the production workflow.
- Product Group: the product group that the production item belongs to.
- Qty: the quantity of the item ordered.
- Qty Produced: the quantity of the item already produced.
- Qty Shipped: the quantity of the item already shipped.
- Processes: the processes to be used to produce the item.
- Store: identifies the originating store of the order that the production item is a part of.
- Ordered Product: the details of the product item ordered, including name and size.
- Extra Options: the extra options specified for the production item, if any.
- Color: the color of the production item.
- Shipping method: the shipping method specified for the production item.
- Production Assign: the name of the production team member assigned to the production item.
- Sales Assigned: the name of the salesperson assigned to the order.
- Click okay.
Alert Icons
Icons may sometimes appear beside the order number in the # column to alert you of significant details about the production item.
Indicates that the production item is part of an order that has been flagged as a Priority Order. (You can flag orders as priority orders by ticking the Priority Order checkbox when you create or edit an order). See the Create Order help article for instructions on creating a new order. |
Indicates that the production item is part of an order that is a Rush Order. This means that a rush order service fee has been applied to the order. See the Rush Order Fees help article for details about setting up a rush order fee. |
Indicates that there are notes associated with the order that the production item is a part of. The notes can be either internal notes or notes sent to or from the customer. Hover the mouse pointer over the notes icon to show the list of notes. The user who created the note and the date and time of creation are shown for each note. |
Indicates that the production worksheet has been downloaded or printed. Hover the mouse pointer over the printer icon to show the list of users who downloaded or printed the worksheet. The date and time are shown for each download or print instance. |
Sorting Production Items
By default, production items will be sorted by order date, starting with the latest order date to the earliest. You can change how the production items list is sorted by clicking on any of the enabled field names (highlighted in blue) in the header row.
An initial click on a particular field name will cause the list to be sorted by that field, in descending order. Clicking on the same field name again will cause the list to be sorted by that field in ascending order.
The current sort field will be indicated by the field name cell being filled with a gray background. The current sort order will be indicated by a down arrow or an up arrow after the field name. A down arrow indicates descending order and an up arrow indicates ascending order.
Searching for Production Items
You can search for particular production items using any of the active fields in the table. Search for production items by typing or selecting a value in one or more of the fields in the row directly below the header row and then clicking on the Search button at the end of the row.
You can quickly reset the search fields by using the Ctrl and ALT keys. Holding down the Crtl and ALT keys will turn the Search button into a Clear Search button. Click on the Clear Search button while holding down Ctrl + ALT to clear the filters and return the orders list to an unfiltered list.
Text Search Fields
Text fields are indicated by a blank box. To search using a text field, click inside the box and enter the string that you want to search for.
Drop Down List Search Fields
Dropdown list search fields have a gray button with a down arrow at the right of the field box. Click on the button and select an option from the drop-down list to search for production items with the selected value.
Date Search Fields
Date search fields also have a small black triangle in the bottom-right of the search box.
To search by date:
- Click within the date field box
A popup is displayed, containing a drop-down list with time period options
- Select a specific period within which you want to search production items
- Select "Between:" to specify a custom date range
- Click on the calendar icon in the From field, select a date using the Date Picker tool, and then click OK when you have picked the desired date. Do the same for the To field.
- Click okay.
Working with production items
- Assign production job
- Download production file
- Mark as production complete
- Mark as partially complete
- Record waste of items
- Download production worksheet
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